Updating the website with checklists and full set galleries for additional vintage sets is an ongoing project, so check back often to check out the latest additions. There are now many thousands of card images on the website and the list continues to grow every month. We welcome and encourage feedback with checklist additions, images of cards missing from our galleries, error corrections and suggestions. Please send all feedback to editor@oldcardboard.com.
7. News Briefs (A Digest of Recent Hobby Happenings)
Rescheduling of National. As our readers no doubt already know, this year's National Sports Collectors Convention in Atlantic City has been rescheduled due to Covid-19 concerns. The new tentative plan is to hold the event at the same venue December 12-16. However, National officials are monitoring the situation and plan to make a final decision by the middle of September. If it is not deemed safe to hold the event in December, they will cancel the convention for this year and focus on plans for the 2021 convention to be held July 28 through August 1 in Chicago.
All 174 Issues of OC eNews/eMag Now Available. After digging deep into the Old Cardboard archives, we have uncovered the first eight issues of the OC eNewsletters from 2004. They can now be viewed online along with 173 additional issues of what is now this quarterly eMagazine. As you will see, our eMagazine beginnings were rather rudimentary in structure and content. A complete list of all back issues can now be accessed on the eMagazine Sign-up Page (also linked to from the OC Home Page). Articles from all back issues are also indexed in the Old Cardboard Article Index along with all articles from Old Cardboard magazine and other leading hobby publications of the past.
Lyman and Brett Hardeman
Old Cardboard, LLC.
Old Cardboard LLC. was established in December 2003 to help bring information on vintage baseball card collecting to the hobbyist. Produced by collectors for collectors, this comprehensive resource consists of three components: (1) Old Cardboard Magazine (currently on hold after printing 34 Issues), (2) a companion website at www.oldcardboard.com and (3) this eMagazine. The Old Cardboard website contains well over 1000 pages of descriptive reference information for baseball card sets produced fifty years ago or longer. Each of the set summaries has a direct set-specific link to
auctions and a similar link to
's powerful search engine for further research. The website also includes a Show and Auction Calendar, an eBay Top 50 Vintage Sellers List, and much more. As a result, the Old Cardboard website makes a great "Alt-tab" companion for vintage card shoppers and researchers. Each Old Cardboard eMagazine provides three or four articles about vintage baseball card sets or related memorabilia, current hobby news, upcoming shows and auctions, and updates to the website. It is published quarterly around the middle of the last month of each quarter. For a FREE subscription to the eMagazine, please visit the website at www.oldcardboard.com. If you find this information resource helpful, please tell your friends. We need your support and your feedback. Thank you.