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List of All Sets by Year
(records 1 - 500 out of 838)
Year ACC # # in
  Card Set Name

1800s"A-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1800s"N-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1859-90--40+$40 Harper's Woodcuts
1865-97--20?$50 Leslie's Woodcuts
1868-70--1$20000 Peck & Snyder Trade Cards
1870s-1900H80440+$24 BB ADVERT. TRADE CARDS
1879-80--68$65 NY Clipper Player Portraits
1880s-90s--var.$65 Baseball Cabinets
1884--36$90 Lawson Game Cards
1884-1955"Japan"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1884-1955"WG-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1886--19$2000 Tomlinson Cabinets
1886--4$3200 Lorillard Team Card
1886H8128$4500 N. Y. BB Club (Welton Cigar)
1886N16712$18000 Old Judge
1886-87--3$4500 Red Stocking Cigars
1886-90N172500+$155 Old Judge
1887--14$9950 Four Base Hits
1887A4214 leaves$1750 Kimble's Champs. Album
1887N2810$250 Allen & Ginter
1887N284143$175 Buchner Gold Coin
1887N37013$5000 Lone Jack St. Louis Browns
1887N69062$2500 Kalamazoo Bats
1887N690-134$1900 Kalamazoo Bats Cabinets
1887N6936$2800 Kalamazoo Bats Team
1887-90N175~130$800 Gypsy Queen
1887-93--8$725 Baseball Currency
1888--2$16000 Sporting Extra Cigarettes
1888--18$770 Scrapps Die Cuts
1888--10$45 R & S Die Cuts
1888A1614 leaves$1550 A&G Album for N28 Set
1888A3612 leaves$2000 Goodwin Champs. Album
1888E22385+$5500 G & B Chewing Gum
1888H814?$8000 Pres. BB Club--Large Cabinet
1888M11727$1850 Sporting Times
1888N10425 (1)$150 Duke Comic Characters
1888N13525$155 Duke "Talk of the Diamond"
1888N13650$75 Duke "Terrors" (Lg)
1888N15423$195 Duke Pres. BB Club
1888N1628$540 Goodwin Champions
1888N1844$440 W. S. Kimball Champions
1888N296$265 Allen & Ginter
1888N32140$1750 Hess Calif. League (color)
1888N33346$750 Hess Newsboy League
1888N338-117$3800 Hess Calif. League
1888N338-223$2300 Hess Big League
1888N35210?$750 Consolidated Cigarette
1888N40353$2400 Yum Yum Tobacco
1888N436$780 Allen & Ginter
1888N861$40 Perilous Occupations
1888N8850$50 Duke "Terrors"
1888WG172$440 WG1 Base Ball Playing Cards
1888-89N173400+$650 Old Judge Cabinets
1889--19$550 E. R. Williams Game
1889--14$585 The Stage Supplements
1889A1714 leaves$1000 A&G Album for N29 Set
1889A3316 leaves$750 "Terrors of America" Album
1889A3512 leaves$5500 Goodwin "Round" Album
1889N1654$95 Goodwin Games & Sports
1889N228-31$70 Kinney Bros. Novelties
1889N52615$275 Number 7 (Diamond S) Cigar
189?N28551 (1)$15 "Morning Glory Maidens"
189?N55710 (1)$75 "National Sports"
1890--1?$1500 Sporting Times Supplement
1890--35+$2000 Police Gazette Cabinets
1892--2$750 N. Y. Recorder
1893--16$8500 Just So Tobacco
1893N1424$3000 Duke Cabinets (Honest Tob.)
1894--14$5000 Alpha Photo Engr.
1894N3609$220 "Base Ball Scenes"
1895N30048$375 Mayo's Cut Plug
1895N56614$950 Newsboy Cabinets
1896--1$350 Boston Sunday Globe
1896N30128$30 Mayo's Die-cut Game Cards
1896P24154 (1 BB)$135 Yellow Kid Pinbacks
1898PE4108+$1450 Cameo Pepsin Gum Pins
1898-99--50$175 National Copper Plate Co.
1899-00M101-162$150 Sporting News Supplements
1900PD112$80 Baseball Team Positions
1900T20325$80 Mayo's Baseball Comics
1900-61"Exhibits"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1900-61"T-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1900-61"W-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1900-75"M-Crds"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1901-17M128112?$35 Police Gazette Supplements
1902-11W600680+$900 Sporting Life Cabinets
1902-11W601var.$180 Sporting Life Composits
1903-04E107147$2700 Breisch-Williams
1903-05--14$40 Burr-McIntosh Photoprints
1904--16$235 Sporting Boiler
1904--16$850 Cigar Makers Blue Label
1904--112$0 Allegheny Card Game
1905--2$250 Souvenir PC (Giants Scrcd.)
1905PC78518$500 Souvenir PC Shop of Cleveland
1905?PC7828?$550 Rotograph
1905-06--20$280 Lincoln Pubs. Phila. Athletics
1905-09PC7926$30 Gold Embossed Players
1905-50"PCs"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1906--12$800 Ullman "Art Frame Series"
1906--16$54 Columbus Dispatch Post Cards
1906WG2/3var.$90 Fan Craze (2 sets)
1906-07--16$680 Sporting Life Team Composites
1906-09--2+$330 V. O. Hammon PCs
1907--16$450 Geo. W. Hull White Sox
1907--2+$110 Green's Nebraska Indians
1907--15$125 Newark Eve. World Suppl.
1907--24?$2500 Winthrop Moving Picture PC
1907--1+$320 Base Ball Stars 1
1907--2$250 Simplicity Tigers-Cubs
1907PC77516$240 Grignon Chicago Cubs
1907PC77811$160 Morgan Stationery "Red Belts"
1907-09PC765var.$90 Dietsche Postcards (4 sets)
1907-09PC773-28$340 H. M. Taylor Co. PC
1908--19$190 "$-Shield" Postcards
1908--1$470 A. C. Williams Cy Young
1908--10$600 Brush Automobile
1908--5$850 Our Home Team
1908PC77016$500 Am. League Pub. Co. PC's
1908PC773-320$140 Wolverine News Co.
1908PC773-416$460 Detroit Free Press Tigers
1908PC80015$170 Pirates Vignettes
1908-09PC760196$400 Rose Company Postcards
1908-10E91var.$1090 American Caramel (3 sets)
1908-11PC74363$490 H. H. Bregstone Postcards
1909--12$1000 Derby Cigars NY Giants
1909--24$280 St. Louis Republic
1909--24$66 Boston Herald Supplements
1909--13$80 Boston Sunday Post
1909--35$480 Cabanas
1909--12$40 Minn. Tribune Supplements
1909--1$275 Pittsburgh Press Supplement
1909--4+?$600 Blue Caption Set
1909D35550?$500 Niagara Baking
1909E10150$110 Anonymous "Set of 50"
1909E10229$400 Anonymous "Set of 25"
1909E9250$250 Nadja/Croft's/Dockman
1909E9525$250 Philadelphia Caramel
1909P1321$950 Luxello Cigar Pins
1909PC773-120$350 Topping & Co. Detroit Tigers
1909T204121$460 Ramly
1909W55568+$110 W555
1909/10S74var.$80 Silks (White & Colored)
1909-10--36$46 German BB Stamps
1909-10D380var.$2000 Clement Bros. Bread
1909-10E9730$400 C. A. Briggs (2 subsets)
1909-10T518$60 Murad College Series
1909-10T62$430 College Series Cabinets
1909-11E90var.$400 American Caramel (3 sets)
1909-11T206514$80 White Borders
1909-11T212var.$1130 Obak (3 sets)
1909-13E254/270var.$54 Colgan's Chips (3 sets)
1909-13M101-2100$50 Sporting News Supplements
1909-15"E1-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1909-16PC75825$300 Max Stein Postcards
1909-1950"Cuba"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1909-40--32$20 TSN Record Book (pocket)
1909-50"D-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1910--3$30000 Tuxedo Tobacco Ad Panels
1910--5$500 Set of Five
1910--8$400 "Red Frameline"
1910--6$950 Monarch Typewriter
1910--2$400 The Rivals
1910--50+$1300 Punch
1910--72$70 Tim Jordan Game
1910--26$1000 Washington Times
1910--26$100 Colorized Portraits
1910--28$250 Orange Borders
1910--24$850 All Star Base-Ball
1910--49$1300 Plow Boy Tobacco
1910D32225$350 Tip Top Bread
1910E10330$540 Williams Caramel
1910E104var.$550 Nadja Caramels
1910E10550$660 Mello-Mint
1910E12542$1500 American Caramel Die Cuts
1910E2215$7000 Bishop & Co, Team Cards
1910E22212$3700 A.W.H. Caramels Va. Leag.
1910E27136$5500 Darby Chocolates
1910E28645$1120 Ju Ju Drums
1910E9330$350 Standard Caramel
1910E9630$500 Philadelphia Caramel
1910E9830$320 Anonymous "Set of 30"
1910E9930$750 Bishop & Co. PCL
1910H801-736+$2780 Old Mill Cabinets
1910PC79625$450 Sepia Postcards
1910PC80525$700 Novelty Cutlery Postcards
1910S21-S2225 (BB)$90 Murad "College Ser." Silks
1910T1001$900 Silhouettes
1910T209var.$350 Contentnea (2 sets)
1910T210var.$100 Old Mill (Red Borders; 8 sets)
1910T21175$300 Red Sun (Green Borders)
1910?--52$6 Parker Bros. Game
1910?--6+$350 Play Ball 2 (Color)
1910-11M1106$750 Sporting Life Cabinets
1910-11M116275+$55 Sporting Life
1910-11T21725$2600 Mono Cigarettes
1910-11T3100$600 Turkey Reds
1910-12P2152$20 Sweet Caporal Pins
1910-12PX7129$32 Sweet Caporal Domino Disks
1910-13T215var.$850 Red Cross Tobacco (2 sets)
1910-17M113~70$22 Baseball Mag. Posters
1910-19--14+$360 Base Ball Stars 2
1910-19--?$180 Baseball Stars 2
1910-19T213var.$160 Coupon Cigarettes (3 sets)
1910-30--n/a$ GALLERY OF COVERS
1910ca--1?$2500 Stars of the Diamond 2
1910sPC79812$20 BASEBALL COMIC PCs
1911--20$2900 Big Eater
1911--1$650 Champions Notebook
1911--4$250 Yellow Woodgrain Notebooks
1911--50$1700 Jones, Keyser & Arras Cabinets
1911D31072$390 Pacific Coast Biscuit
1911D31172$600 Pacific Coast Biscuit
1911D35918$2200 Williams Baking
1911E10030$1000 Bishop & Co. PCL
1911E9430$500 George Close Candy
1911H99840$3300 Western Playground
1911M13130$1100 Baltimore News "Newsboys"
1911T20150$90 Mecca Double Folders
1911T205208$80 Gold Borders
1911T20818$6000 Cullivan's Fireside Phila. A's
1911T332180$40 Helmar Stamps
1911T430+$4000 Obak Cabinets
1911T5~500$700 Pinkerton Cabinets
1911-14D30425$900 General Baking Co.
1911-14T21673$530 Peoples Tobacco
1911-38E136/137var.$20 Zeenuts (25 sets)
1912--50$330 Baseball Bats
1912--100?$750 J=K Candy
1912--8$750 Uncataloged Strip Set
1912--10$950 Schmelzer's Sporting Goods
1912--5?$400 Baseball Player Stamps
1912--1+$250 Favorites of the Diamond 2
1912C4690$95 Imperial Tobacco
1912E13690$270 Home Run Kisses
1912E30068$1500 Plow's Candy
1912L125$2100 L1 Leathers
1912PC7664$90 Robert Robinson Artwork PCs
1912S1102$2000 "Silk" Pillow Top
1912S8125$1200 Baseball Player Silks
1912T202132$150 Hassan Triple Folders
1912T207200$100 Brown Backgrounds
1912T2274$900 Series of Champions
1912-14H813var.$9000 Boston Garter (3 sets)
1912-14W530100+$110 Pinkerton Scorecards
1912-1952"V-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1912-38"E2-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1912-38"R-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1913--16+$85 Philadelphia Evening Times
1913--20$660 Voskamp's Coffee Pirates
1913--2+$2200 Base Ball Series
1913--50?$32 Nap Lajoie Game Card
1913BF-unc25+$900 Cravats Felt Pennants
1913T20016$600 Fatima Team Cards
1913WG554$40 Nat. Base Ball Game
1913WG654$36 Tom Barker Game
1913-50--??$22 Illustrated Current News
1914--8$1800 Semon "Evening Sun" PCs
1914--12$480 "Set of 12"
1914--18$110 Pritchard Stamps
1914--18+$960 E & S
1914--25$2500 Baltimore News
1914--21$1550 NY Evening Sun Supplements
1914--1$250 Youth's Companion Mag.
1914--3$250 Chic. Examiner Supplements
1914B1890$60 Blankets
1914D30351$420 General Baking Co.
1914E22452 / 15$3200 Texas Tommy (-1 & -2)
1914T22252$500 Fatima Player Cards
1914T330-2118$80 Piedmont Art Stamps
1914WG430$20 Polo Ground Card Game
1914/15E145var.$330 Cracker Jack (2 sets)
1915--36$50 Postaco Stamps
1915--28$380 1915 W-unc "Strip Cards"
1915E10648$350 American Caramel
1915M101-36$180 Sporting News (see PC757)
1915PC7576$130 Sporting News Postcards
1915PM128?$760 PM1 Ornate Frames
1915T21455?$3500 Victory Tobacco
1916--20$900 Tango Eggs
1916--6$350 Succ. Farm. Unnumbered Set
1916BF297$120 Ferguson Bakery Pennants
1916D329200$80 Weil Baking Co.
1916D352200$250 Morehouse Baking
1916D381103$500 Fleischmann Bakery
1916H801-9200$140 Globe Clothes
1916M101-4200$50 Sporting News
1916M101-5200$65 Sporting News
1916?N230-33$200 Susini
1916-21D350var.$55 Standard Biscuit (3 sets)
1917--4+$250 Play Ball 1
1917D328200$150 Weil Baking Co.
1917E135200$250 Collins-McCarthy
1917H801-8200$190 Boston Store
1918-58M114~750$9 Baseball Mag. Posters
1919M101-6119$570 Mendelsohn Premiums
1919PC79924$90 Cincinnati Reds Champions
1919W55212?$15 Baseball Position Drawings
1920--1$1800 Pathe Freres Phonograph Co.
1920--20$2500 Peggy Popcorn
1920D32780+$140 Holsum Bread
1920W519var.$24 W519 (3 sets)
1920W52020$20 W520
1920W52220$22 W522
1920?--6?$60 IFS "Blue and Orange"
1920-21--20$300 Big Head Strip Cards
1920-21--4+$220 Favorites of the Diamond 1
1920-21W514120$34 W514
1920-21W51630$40 W516 (5 sets)
1920ca--7+$200 Baseball Stars 1
1920ca--5+$250 Base Ball Stars 3
1920s--11+$250 Base Ball Star
1920s--11$200 "Shoulderless Players"
1920s--1$80 Farmacia Segura
1920s--?$140 Playing Card Theme
1920s--1$80 Amatller Choclates
1920sW54210$28 Sports Drawings
1920s?--10$180 Tinted Strip Cards
1921--22+$1500 Tip-Top Bread (Baltimore)
1921--12+$150 Self-Develop Strip Cards
1921--6$390 Schapira Bros. Candy
1921D38352$45 Koester Bread
1921D481$80 Invisible Color Pictures
1921E25320$250 Oxford Confectionery
1921PD310$110 Mrs. Sherlock's Bread
1921W46164$32 Exhibits 1921 (Set 1)
1921W52120$22 W521
1921W55110$22 W551
1921W931610$36 W9316
1921-22E121var.$60 Am. Car.--Series of 80/120
1921-23E220121$60 National Caramel
1921-30--224+$38 Major League Ball Die-cuts
1922--22$370 Schapira Big Show Candy
1922--20$44 East. Ex. Sup. Co. (PC back)
1922--?$100 Gassler's Bread
1922E120240$50 Am. Caramel--Series of 240
1922E12280$46 Am. Caramel--Series of 80
1922T2312$14000 Fans Cigarettes
1922V100180$148 Willards Chocolates
1922V61120$88 Neilson's Chocolate
1922W46174$34 Exhibits 1922 (Set 2)
1922W501120$22 W501
1922W50364$70 W503
1922W573240$32 W573
1922W575var.$16 W575 (2 sets)
1922-2010--85+$5000 World Series Rings
1922-23PB432$72 Kolb's Mothers Bread
1923--10$1000 Lections
1923--13$40 Baseball Transfers
1923E123180$330 Curtis Ireland Candy
1923V8950$280 William Paterson
1923W51560$30 W515-1 & W515-2
1923W572121$24 W572
1923WG756$70 Walter Mails Game
1923-24--60$160 Billiken/LaModa
1923-24--85$360 Tomas Gutierrez
1923-24--40$100 Nacionales
1923-24W46158$100 Exhibits 1923-24 (Set 3)
1924--14$220 Crescent Ice Cream
1924N258136$170 Diaz Cigarros
1924V1223$5000 Willard's Sports Champions
1924W5114$380 W511 (Ruth)
1924-25--44$110 Aguilitas (1924-25)
1924ca--8+$250 Stars of the Diamond 1
1925--1$48 Turf Cigarettes
1925--18$1200 Holland Creameries
1925--8?$110 Managers Series PCs
1925D321$1400 Drake's Cake
1925V11730$300 Maple Crispette
1925V31120$450 Dominion Chocolate
1925W461128$60 Exhibits 1925 (Set 4)
1925W4691$1399 Exhibits Sports Champions
1925W50468$36 Universal Toy & Novelty
1925?--100+$680 Frederick Foto
1925-27W51210$30 W512
1925-31--72$54 Exhibits (PC back; Set 81-83)
1925-31W59041$24 W590 Strip Cards
1925ca--1+$250 Green with Red Trim
1926--49$22 Spalding (Sports Co. of Am.)
1926--20$600 Kut Outs Die-Cuts
1926M101-713$25 Sporting News Supplements
1926W461128$60 Exhibits 1926 (Set 5)
1926-27--37$90 Aguilitas (1926-27)
1927--44+$690 Middy Bread Die-Cuts
1927--10+$40 Rinkeydink Stamps
1927--2?$550 Chocolate "La Imperial"
1927E12660$80 Am. Caramel--Series of 60
1927FC5921$1000 Honey Boy Ice Cream
1927W46164$40 Exhibits (green; Set 6)
1927W56049$118 W560
1927?--35+ (1BB)$1800 Merrymints
1927-28--100$180 Mallorquina
1927-28E21060$115 York Caramels (Type 1 & 2)
1928--6$500 George Ruth Candy
1928--73$360 Star Player Candy (1928)
1928--60?$90 Aguilitas (1928)
1928--25?$50 Tabacalera la Morena
1928--4$50 Major Drapkin Cigarettes
1928F5060$60 Yuengling's Ice Cream
1928F5060$40 Tharps's Ice Cream
1928F5060$32 Harrington's Ice Cream
1928F5060$90 Sweetman
1928F526$190 Fro-Joy Ice Cream
1928W46164$34 Exhibits (blue) 1928 (Set 7)
1928W46532$170 PCL Exhibits (blue) (Set 62)
1928W50260$24 W502 "Game Backs"
1928W51326$30 W513
1928W5654$30 W565
1929--8+$74 Red Background Game Cards
1929--3?$1100 Star Player Candy (1929)
1929--1$500 Exhibit "Star Picture Stamps"
1929--34$490 Leader Novelty Candy
1929--5$315 Certified's Ice Cream
1929--2$125 Phila. Inquirer Supplements
1929--1$900 Shonen Club Postcard
1929R316101$23 Kashin Publications
1929R942?$60 Babe Comes Home Movie
1929W55310$110 W553
1929-30R31546$24 R315
1929-30W463-132$46 Exhibits (4-on-1; Set 8)
1930--1$90 Ray-O-Print Photos
1930--8$360 Rogers Peet
1930--90$50 Baguer Chocolate
1930--1$190 Imperial Tobacco Co.
1930--1$475 Chicago Herald Examiner
1930F278-501$320 Post Cereal--Mathewson
1930JBR23a15+$100 Undogaho Mag. Lg. Bromides
1930JBR3242+$120 Marui Small Sepia Bromide
1930JBR4712$6 Yakyu Graph Magazine
1930JDM1616+$10 Big Six Univ, Small Diecuts
1930PR425$24 Cracker Jack
1930W55418$48 W554
1930?D35110$350 Grennan Baking
1930-32--11+$800 Harrison Studios
1930-55"F-Cards"n/a$ GALLERY OF SETS
1930s--22$160 American Badge Co.
1931--7$90 Blue Ribbon Malt
1931N56150?$300 Diana Cigarrillos
1931W51754$30 W517 Strip Cards
1931W62612$70 Sun Pictures Photo Kits
1931W75430$50 Metropolitan Studios
1931-32--1$1150 Babe Ruth Exhibit
1931-32W463-232$50 Exhibits (4-on-1; Set 9)
1931-59W709var.$20 Chicago Cubs Team Issues
1932--3?$950 Whiz Bang Gum
1932--1$950 Abdulla Cigarettes
1932--5+$160 Cubs Plus Notebooks
1932--24$60 Worch Cigar (Millers)
1932--8$190 Charles Denby Cigars (Cubs)
1932--22$130 NY Giants Schedule
1932--1$170 Bulgaria Sport-Photos
1932--2$150 Sanella Margarine
1932--1$440 Wheaties Ruth Flip Book
1932M101-84$55 Sporting News Supplements
1932R32827$170 U. S. Caramel
1933--1$450 Briggs Co. Babe Ruth
1933--24$9045 Wheaties (Minneapolis Millers)
1933--2$800 Blue Bird Grape Soda
1933E28552$50 Rittenhouse Candy
1933PX343$50 Double Header Buttons
1933R30032$275 George C. Miller
1933R30560$50 Tatoo Orbit
1933R30630$175 Butter Cream
1933R308~60$75 Tatoo Orbit (2 subsets)
1933R309-14$225 Goudey Premiums
1933R31730$345 Uncle Jacks Candy
1933R319239$33 Goudey (1933)
1933R33324$125 DeLong
1933R33724$48 Eclipse Import
1933R3383$210 Goudey Sport Kings
1933V35394$100 World Wide Gum
1933W463-316$44 Exhibits (4-on-1; Set 10)
1933W57429$28 W574
1933/34JBR2410$50 Yakyukai Mag. B&W Furoku
1933-34--146$50 Worch Cigar (MLB)
1933-35--22$70 Blum's BB Bulletin Premiums
1933-35--118+$60 Worch Cigar (AA)
1934--1$720 Quaker Oats Ruth Premium
1934--1$800 Quaker Oats Ruth Movie
1934--23$310 Annis Furs Tigers
1934--1$315 Batter-Up Beich Wrapper
1934D38236+$1900 Tarzan Bread
1934F279-126$30 Quaker Oats "Ask Me" Game
1934JBR3416$250 Maruzen Japan Tour
1934JBR4820$85 US All-Star Tour of Japan
1934PD98$190 Ward's Sporties
1934R304~168$140 Al Demaree Die-cuts
1934R31065$35 Butterfinger
1934R313A12$24 Gold Medal Foods
1934R32096$27 Goudey (1934)
1934R721$60 Schutter ("I'm going to be...")
1934V35496$80 World Wide Gum
1934V9458$120 O-Pee-Chee (Can. B'finger)
1934W463-416$34 Exhibits (4-on-1; Set 11)
1934-36R318192$36 Batter Up
1934-36R327108$29 Diamond Stars
1934-37U1 - U4var.$12 Diamond Matchbooks
1934-50--50+$4 Postage Stamps
1935--7$990 Pebble Beach Clothier
1935--2$140 Detroit Sunday Times
1935--2$250 Indiana Sport Avion


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