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1910-11   M116   Sporting Life
Sortable Master Checklist

(Records 1 - 400 out of 400)   
NameTeam Bkgnd
-- High Series --Back

001Ed AbbaticchioPiratespastel16 - - -1blue6
002aBabe AdamsPiratespastel3 - - -1black2
002bBabe AdamsPiratespastel37086932blue3
003Leon AmesGiantspastel227681943blue4
004Jimmy ArcherCubspastel227281923blue4
005Frank Arrelanes (Arellanes)Red Soxpastel9 - - -2blue4
006Tommy AtkinsPhilliespastel24 - - -3blue4
007Jimmy AustinYankeespastel19 - - -3blue6
008Les Bachman (Backman)Cardinalspastel15 - - -1blue6
009Bill BaileyBrownspastel13 - - -2blue5
010aFrank BakerAthleticspastel3 - - -1black2
010bFrank BakerAthleticspastel35089 -2blue3
011Cy BargerDodgerspastel13 -89 -2blue5
012aJack BarryAthleticspastel65085951blue3
012bJack BarryAthleticspastel65085953blue5
013aJohnny BatesPhilliespastel8 - - -2blue3
013bJohnny BatesRedspastel8 - - -3blue8
014Ginger BeaumontCubspastel11 - - -1blue4
015aFred BeckBravespastel17 - - -1blue5
015bFred BeckPhilliespastel1774 - -?blue9
016Heinie BeckendorfTigerspastel16 - - -1blue6
017Fred BeebeRedspastel14 - - -1blue5
018aGeorge BellDodgerspastel6 - - -1blue3
018bGeorge BellDodgerspastel6 - - -3blue6
019Harry BemisIndianspastel13 - - -2blue5
020aChief BenderAthleticsblue1 - - -1blue2
020bChief BenderAthleticspastel15085931blue1
020cChief BenderAthleticspastel15085933blue5
021Bill BergenDodgerspastel9 - - -2blue4
022Heinie BergerIndianspastel12 - - -1blue4
023aBob BescherRedspastel6 -88971blue3
023bBob BescherRedspastel6 -88973blue6
024Joe BirminghamIndianspastel17 -84911blue6
025Lena Blackburn(e)White Soxpastel155682 -1blue5
026Jack BlissCardinalspastel21 -80 -3blue6
027Bruno BlockWhite Soxpastel21 -82 -3blue6
028aBill BradleyIndianspastel8 - - -2blue3
028bBill BradleyIndianspastel8 - - -3blue7
029aKitty BransfieldPhilliespastel474 - -1blue3
029bKitty BransfieldPhilliespastel474 - -2blue3
030aRoger BresnahanCardinalsblue2 - - -1blue2
030bRoger BresnahanCardinalspastel2 -88972blue3
031Al BridwellGiantspastel10 - - -1blue4
032Buster BrownBravespastel18 -83 -2blue5
033aMordecai BrownCubsblue2 - - -1blue2
033bMordecai BrownCubspastel272 - -2blue3
034Al BurchDodgerspastel14 - - -1blue5
035aDonie BushTigerspastel45286951blue3
035bDonie BushTigerspastel45286952blue3
036aBobby ByrnePiratespastel67082961blue3
036bBobby ByrnePiratespastel67082963blue5
037aHowie CamnitzPiratespastel57084901blue3
037bHowie CamnitzPiratespastel57084902blue3
038Vin CampbellPiratespastel21 - - -3blue6
039aBill CarriganRed Soxpastel55487931blue3
039bBill CarriganRed Soxpastel55487932blue3
040aFrank ChanceCubsblue1 - - -1blue2
040bFrank ChanceCubspastel172 - -1blue1
040cFrank ChanceCubspastel172 - -3blue5
041Chappy CharlesRedspastel15 - - -1blue6
042aHal ChaseYankeesblue1 - - -1blue2
042bHal ChaseYankeespastel1 -89941blue1
042cHal ChaseYankeespastel1 -89943blue5
043Eddie CicotteRed Soxpastel18 -83 -2blue5
044aFred ClarkePiratespastel3 - - -1black2
044bFred ClarkePiratespastel37086902blue3
045Nig ClarkeIndianspastel18 - - -2blue5
046Tommy ClarkeRedspastel20 -80 -3blue5
047aTy CobbTigersblue1 - - -1blue2
047bTy CobbTigerspastel15282941blue1
047cTy CobbTigerspastel15282943blue5
048aEddie CollinsAthleticsblue1 - - -1blue2
048bEddie CollinsAthleticspastel15089941blue1
048cEddie CollinsAthleticspastel15089943blue5
049Ray CollinsRed Soxpastel245481963blue4
050Wid ConroySenatorspastel12 - - -1blue4
051aJack CoombsAthleticspastel85083942blue3
051bJack CoombsAthleticspastel85083943blue6
052aRed CorridonCardinalspastel8 - - -2blue3
052bRed CorridonCardinalspastel8 - - -3blue7
053Harry Coveleskie (...ski)Louisvillepastel22 - - -3blue6
054Doc CrandallGiantspastel177683961blue4
055aSam CrawfordTigersblue2 - - -1blue2
055bSam CrawfordTigerspastel252 - -2blue3
056Birdie CreeYankeespastel18 -85952blue5
057Lou CrigerYankeespastel17 - - -1blue6
058Dode CrissBrownspastel19 - - -3blue6
059Cliff CurtisBravespastel23 - - -3blue6
060Bill DahlenDodgerspastel9 -89 -2blue4
061Paul DavidsonDodgerspastel21 - - -3blue6
062aHarry DavisAthleticsblue1 - - -1blue2
062bHarry DavisAthleticspastel1 - - -1blue2
062cHarry DavisAthleticspastel1 - - -3blue5
063aJim Delehanty (Delahanty)Tigerspastel85280 -2blue3
063bJim Delehanty (Delahanty)Tigerspastel85280 -3blue7
064Ray DemmittCardinalspastel22 - - -3blue4
065Rube DessauDodgerspastel21 - - -3blue6
066aArt DevlinGiantspastel3 - - -1black2
066bArt DevlinGiantspastel3 - - -2blue3
067Josh DevoreGiantspastel197681923blue4
068Pat DonahueRed Soxpastel13 - - -2blue5
069aBill DonovanTigersblue2 - - -1blue2
069bBill DonovanTigerspastel252 - -2blue3
070Patsy DonovanRed Soxpastel2154 - -3blue6
071aRed DooinPhilliesblue1 - - -1blue2
071bRed DooinPhilliespastel17489911blue1
071cRed DooinPhilliespastel17489913blue5
072aMickey DoolanPhilliespastel67489931blue3
072bMickey DoolanPhilliespastel67489933blue5
073Patsy DoughertyWhite Soxpastel1056 - -1blue4
074Tom DowneyRedspastel13 - - -2blue5
075Jim DoyleRedspastel10 - - -1blue4
076aLarry DoyleGiantsblue1 - - -1blue2
076bLarry DoyleGiantspastel17689921blue1
076cLarry DoyleGiantspastel17689923blue5
077Hugh DuffyWhite Soxpastel1756 - -1blue5
078Jimmy DygertAthleticspastel16 - - -1blue6
079Dick Eagan (Egan)Redspastel11 -86931blue4
080aKid ElberfeldSenatorspastel4 - - -1blue3
080bKid ElberfeldSenatorspastel4 - - -2blue3
081Rube EllisCardinalspastel12 -88971blue4
082aClyde EngleRed Soxpastel45487931blue3
082bClyde EngleRed Soxpastel45487932blue3
083Tex ErwinDodgerspastel20 -85943blue5
084Steve EvansCardinalspastel23 - - -3blue6
085aJohnny EversCubspastel3 - - -1black2
085bJohnny EversCubspastel37286902blue3
086Bob EwingRedspastel14 - - -1blue5
087Cy FalkenbergIndianspastel11 - - -1blue4
088Cecil FergusonBravespastel13 - - -2blue5
089Art FletcherGiantspastel227681943blue4
090Elmer FlickIndianspastel15 - - -1blue6
091John FlynnPiratespastel20 - - -3blue6
092Russ FordYankeespastel23 -83903blue6
093Eddie FosterRochesterpastel19 - - -3blue6
094Bill FoxenPhilliespastel16 - - -1blue6
095John FrillJersey Citypastel20 - - -3blue6
096Sam FrockBravespastel20 - - -3blue6
097Art FrommeRedspastel16 -84911blue5
098Earl GardnerYankeespastel23 -81 -3blue6
099Larry GardnerRed Soxpastel245483943blue4
100Harry GasparRedspastel19 -82 -3blue6
101aDoc GesslerSenatorspastel8 - - -2blue3
101bDoc GesslerSenatorspastel8 - - -3blue7
102aGeorge GibsonPiratesblue2 - - -1blue2
102bGeorge GibsonPiratespastel270 - -2blue3
103Bill GrahamBrownspastel12 - - -1blue4
104Peaches GrahamBravespastel14 - - -1blue5
105aEddie GrantPhilliespastel5 - - -1blue3
105bEddie GrantPhilliespastel5 - - -2blue3
106aClark GriffithRedspastel8 - - -2blue3
106bClark GriffithRedspastel8 - - -3blue7
107Ed HahnWhite Soxpastel9 - - -2blue4
108Charley HallRed Soxpastel145485931blue4
109Bob HarmonCardinalspastel20 -84913blue5
110aTopsy HartselAthleticspastel6 - - -1blue3
110bTopsy HartselAthleticspastel6 - - -3blue6
111Roy HartzellBrownspastel11 - - -1blue4
112Heinie HeitmullerAthleticspastel13 - - -2blue5
113Buck HerzogBravespastel11 - - -1blue4
114Dick Hoblitzel (Hoblitzell)Redspastel15 -84 -1blue5
115aDanny HoffmanBrownspastel6 - - -1blue3
115bDanny HoffmanBrownspastel6 - - -3blue6
116aSolly HofmanCubspastel572 - -1blue3
116bSolly HofmanCubspastel572 - -2blue3
117Harry HooperRed Soxpastel235482943blue5
118Harry HowellBrownspastel16 - - -1blue6
119aMiller HugginsCardinalspastel4 - - -1blue3
119bMiller HugginsCardinalspastel4 - - -2blue3
120Tom HughesRochesterpastel23 - - -3blue6
121Rudy HulswittCardinalspastel11 - - -1blue4
122John HummelDodgerspastel18 -87912blue5
123George HunterDodgerspastel15 - - -1blue6
124Ham HyattPiratespastel14 -80 -1blue5
125Fred JacklitschPhilliespastel17 - - -1blue6
126aHughie JenningsTigersblue1 - - -1blue2
126bHughie JenningsTigerspastel15288901blue1
126cHughie JenningsTigerspastel15288903blue5
127aWalter JohnsonSenatorspastel7 -89922blue3
127bWalter JohnsonSenatorspastel7 -89923blue7
128aDavy JonesTigersblue2 - - -1blue2
128bDavy JonesTigerspastel252 - -2blue3
129Tom JonesTigerspastel12 - - -1blue4
130aTim JordanDodgersblue2 - - -1blue2
130bTim JordanDodgerspastel2 - - -2blue3
131aAddie JossIndianspastel7 - - -2blue3
131bAddie JossIndianspastel7 - - -3blue7
132John KaneCubspastel12 - - -1blue4
133Ed KargerRed Soxpastel954 - -2blue4
134Red Killifer (Killefer)Senatorspastel22 - - -3blue4
135aJohnny KlingCubspastel7 - - -2blue3
135bJohnny KlingCubspastel7 - - -3blue7
136Otto KnabePhilliespastel147485941blue4
137Jack KnightYankeespastel19 - - -3blue6
138aEd KonetchyCardinalspastel7 -84902blue3
138bEd KonetchyCardinalspastel7 -84903blue7
139aHarry KrauseAthleticspastel7 - - -2blue3
139bHarry KrauseAthleticspastel7 - - -3blue7
140Rube KrohCubspastel17 - - -1blue6
141Art KrugerSacpastel20 - - -3blue6
142aNap LajoieIndiansblue2 - - -1blue2
142bNap LajoieIndianspastel2 -89972blue3
143Fred LakeBravespastel16 - - -1blue6
144Joe LakeBrownspastel19 - - -3blue6
145Frank LaPorteYankeespastel13 - - -2blue5
146Jack LappAthleticspastel24 -80923blue4
147Chick LathersTigerspastel21 - - -3blue4
148aTommy LeachPiratesblue2 - - -1blue2
148bTommy LeachPiratespastel270 - -2blue3
149aSam LeeverPiratespastel8 - - -2blue3
149bSam LeeverPiratespastel8 - - -3blue7
150Lefty LeifieldPiratespastel1070 - -1blue4
151aEd LennoxDodgerspastel4 - - -1blue3
151bEd LennoxDodgerspastel4 - - -2blue3
152Fred Linke (Link)Indianspastel20 - - -3blue6
153Paddy LivingstonAthleticspastel11 - - -1blue4
154aHans LobertRedspastel5 - - -1blue3
154bHans LobertRedspastel5 - - -2blue3
154cHans LobertPhilliespastel574 - -?blue9
155Bris LordIndianspastel9 - - -2blue4
156aHarry LordRed Soxblue2 - - -1blue2
156bHarry LordRed Soxpastel2 - - -2blue3
156cHarry LordWhite Soxpastel256 - -?blue9
157Johnny LushCardinalspastel9 - - -2blue4
158Connie MackAthleticspastel175081951blue4
159Tom MaddenRed Soxpastel24 - - -3blue4
160Nick MaddoxPiratespastel11 - - -1blue4
161aSherry MageePhilliespastel77487912blue2
161bSherry MageePhilliespastel77487913blue6
162aChristy MathewsonGiantsblue1 - - -1blue2
162bChristy MathewsonGiantspastel17689901blue1
162cChristy MathewsonGiantspastel17689903blue5
163Al MatternCardinalspastel12 - - -1blue4
164Jimmy McAleerSenatorspastel15 - - -1blue6
165George McBrideSenatorspastel21 -83913blue6
166aAmby McConnellRed Soxpastel6 - - -1blue3
166bAmby McConnellWhite Soxpastel656 - -3blue7
167Pryor McElveenDodgerspastel16 - - -1blue6
168aJohn McGrawGiantspastel87687912blue3
168bJohn McGrawGiantspastel87687913blue6
169Deacon McGuireIndianspastel16 - - -1blue6
170Stuffy McInnes (McInnis)Athleticspastel245081963blue4
171Harry McIntire (McIntyre)Cubspastel1672 - -1blue6
172Matty McIntyreTigerspastel9 - - -2blue4
173Larry McLeanRedspastel9 -86932blue4
174Tommy McMillanDodgerspastel16 - - -1blue6
175aGeorge McQuillanPhilliesblue1 - - -1blue2
175bGeorge McQuillanPhilliespastel1 - - -1blue2
175cGeorge McQuillanRedspastel1 - - -3blue5
176Paul MeloanWhite Soxpastel24 - - -3blue4
177aFred MerkleGiantspastel67687921blue3
177bFred MerkleGiantspastel67687923blue6
178Chief Myers (Meyers)Giantspastel237682963blue4
179Clyde MilanSenatorspastel15 -85951blue5
180aDots MillerPiratespastel47084901blue3
180bDots MillerPiratespastel47084902blue3
181Warren MillerSenatorspastel22 - - -3blue6
182aMike MitchellRedspastel788932blue3
182bMike MitchellRedspastel788933blue7
183Fred MitchellRochesterpastel19 - - -3blue6
184Earl MoorePhilliespastel187483952blue4
185Pat MoranPhilliespastel127485951blue3
186aLew MorenPhilliespastel3 - - -1black2
186bLew MorenPhilliespastel3 - - -2blue3
187Cy MorganAthleticspastel12 -83 -1blue4
188aGeorge MoriartyTigerspastel65282951blue3
188bGeorge MoriartyTigerspastel65282953blue5
189Mike Mowery (Mowrey)Cardinalspastel21 -82963blue6
190aGeorge MullinTigerspastel3 - - -1black2
190bGeorge MullinTigerspastel35286912blue3
191aDanny MurphyAthleticspastel45087971blue3
191bDanny MurphyAthleticspastel45087972blue3
192Red MurrayGiantspastel117685951blue3
193Tom NeedhamCubspastel107282961blue3
194Harry NilesIndianspastel17 - - -1blue6
195Rebel OakesCardinalspastel24 -80973blue4
196Jack O'ConnorBrownspastel13 - - -2blue5
197Paddy O'ConnorPiratespastel10 - - -1blue4
198Bill O'HaraTorontopastel17 - - -1blue6
199Rube OldringAthleticspastel145081971blue4
200Charley O'LearyTigerspastel1052 - -1blue4
201aOrval OverallCubspastel4 - - -1blue3
201bOrval OverallCubspastel4 - - -2blue3
202Fred ParentWhite Soxpastel18 - - -2blue5
203Dode PaskertPhilliespastel197483953blue4
204Fred PayneWhite Soxpastel2156 - -3blue5
205Barney PeltyBrownspastel9 - - -2blue4
206Hub PernollTigerspastel22 - - -3blue6
207George PerringColumbuspastel20 - - -3blue6
208Jeff PfefferCubspastel23 - - -3blue6
209Jack PfiesterCubspastel10 - - -1blue4
210Art PhelanRedspastel23 - - -3blue6
211Ed PhelpsCardinalspastel14 - - -1blue5
212Deacon PhilippePiratespastel970 - -2blue4
213aEddie PlankAthleticspastel55087961blue3
213bEddie PlankAthleticspastel55087962blue3
214Jack PowellBrownspastel17 -84911blue5
215Bill PurtellWhite Soxpastel11 - - -1blue4
216Farmer RayWestern Lgpastel24 - - -3blue4
217Bugs RaymondGiantspastel18 - - -2blue5
218Doc Reisling Senatorspastel10 - - -1blue4
219aEd ReulbachCubspastel77284902blue2
219bEd ReulbachCubspastel77284903blue6
220Lew RichieCubspastel15 -80951blue5
221Jack RowanRedspastel17 - - -1blue6
222aNap RuckerDodgerspastel3 - - -1black2
222bNap RuckerDodgerspastel3 -87922blue3
223Slim SalleeCardinalspastel13 -86 -2blue5
224Doc ScanlonDodgerspastel12 - - -1blue4
225Germany SchaeferSenatorspastel11 -87961blue4
226Lou SchettlerPhilliespastel20 - - -3blue6
227aAdmiral SchleiGiantspastel4 - - -1blue3
227bAdmiral SchleiGiantspastel4 - - -2blue3
228Boss SchmidtTigerspastel14 - - -1blue5
229aWildfire SchulteCubspastel67286931blue3
229bWildfire SchulteCubspastel67286933blue5
230Al SchweitzerBrownspastel16 - - -1blue6
231Jim ScottWhite Soxpastel245680923blue4
232aCy SeymourGiantspastel7 - - -2blue3
232bCy SeymourBaltimorepastel7 - - -3blue8
233Tillie ShaferGiantspastel19 -83953blue5
234Bud SharpeBravespastel22 - - -3blue4
235Dave SheanBravespastel20 - - -3blue6
236Jimmy SheckardCubspastel97284912blue3
237Mike SimonPiratespastel217080 -3blue4
238Charlie SmithBravespastel22 - - -3blue6
239aFrank SmithWhite Soxpastel7 - - -2blue3
239bFrank SmithWhite Soxpastel7 - - -3blue7
239cFrank SmithRed Soxpastel7 - - -3blue8
240aHarry SmithBravespastel5 - - -1blue3
240bHarry SmithBravespastel5 - - -2blue3
241Fred SnodgrassGiantspastel157685941blue4
242Bob SpadeRedspastel10 - - -1blue4
243Tully SparksPhilliespastel13 - - -2blue5
244Tris SpeakerRed Soxpastel235480923blue4
245aJake StahlRed Soxpastel8 -85972blue3
245bJake StahlRed Soxpastel8 -85973blue7
246George StallingsYankeespastel15 - - -1blue5
247Oscar StanageTigerspastel1152 - -1blue4
248aHarry SteinfeldtCubspastel8 - - -2blue3
248bHarry SteinfeldtCubspastel8 - - -3blue7
249Jim StephensBrownspastel10 -86901blue4
250aGeorge StoneBrownspastel7 - - -2blue3
250bGeorge StoneBrownspastel7 - - -3blue7
251George StovallIndianspastel18 - - -2blue5
252aGabby StreetSenatorspastel5 - - -1blue3
252bGabby StreetSenatorspastel5 - - -2blue3
253Sailor StroudTigerspastel21 - - -3blue6
254Amos StrunkAthleticspastel245082923blue4
255George SuggsRedspastel18 -82 -2blue5
256aBilly SullivanWhite Soxpastel55688 -1blue3
256bBilly SullivanWhite Soxpastel55688 -2blue3
257aEd SummersTigerspastel3 - - -1black2
257bEd SummersTigerspastel35288 -2blue3
258aBill SweeneyBravespastel6 -85941blue3
258bBill SweeneyBravespastel6 -85943blue6
259Jeff SweeneyYankeespastel19 -83 -3blue5
260Lee TannehillWhite Soxpastel145684 -1blue5
261aFred TenneyGiantsblue2 - - -1blue2
261bFred TenneyGiantspastel2 - - -2blue3
262aIra ThomasAthleticsblue2 - - -1blue2
262bIra ThomasAthleticspastel250 - -2blue3
263aJohn ThoneyRed Soxpastel754 - -2blue3
263bJohn ThoneyRed Soxpastel754 - -3blue7
264aJoe TinkerCubspastel3 - - -1black2
264bJoe TinkerCubspastel37288972blue3
265John TitusPhilliespastel227481 -3blue5
266Terry TurnerIndianspastel10 -86901blue4
267Bob UnglaubSenatorspastel18 - - -2blue5
268aRube WaddellBrownspastel3 - - -1black2
268bRube WaddellBrownspastel3 - - -2blue3
269aHeinie WagnerRed Soxpastel45489971blue3
269bHeinie WagnerRed Soxpastel45489972blue3
270aHonus WagnerPiratesblue1 - - -1blue2
270bHonus WagnerPiratespastel17088971blue1
270cHonus WagnerPiratespastel17088973blue5
271aBobby WallaceBrownspastel5 -88961blue3
271bBobby WallaceBrownspastel5 -88962blue3
272aEd WalshWhite Soxpastel85686902blue3
272bEd WalshWhite Soxpastel85686903blue6
273aJimmy WalshPhilliesgray?*2074*81?*92?*3blue5
273bJimmy WalshPhillieswhite?*2274*81?*92?*3blue5
274aDoc WhiteWhite Soxpastel456 - -1blue3
274bDoc WhiteWhite Soxpastel456 - -2blue3
275Kaiser WilhelmDodgerspastel14 - - -1blue5
276aEd WillettTigerspastel5 -84911blue3
276bEd WillettTigerspastel5 -84912blue3
277Vic WillisCardinalspastel18 - - -2blue5
278Art WilsonGiantspastel23 -80963blue5
279Owen WilsonPiratespastel127088971blue3
280aGeorge WiltseGiantspastel57687921blue3
280bGeorge WiltseGiantspastel57687922blue3
281Harry WolterYankeespastel12 -87931blue4
282Joe WoodRed Soxpastel235481963blue6
283Ralph WorksTigerspastel15 -88 -1blue5
284aCy YoungIndianspastel3 - - -1black2
284bCy YoungIndianspastel3 - - -2blue3
285Irv YoungWhite Soxpastel1356 - -2blue5
286Heinie ZimmermanCubspastel197280933blue4
287Dutch ZwillingWhite Soxpastel24 - - -3blue4

NameTeam Bkgnd
-- High Series --

*Rarity estimates are: 1 (most common), 2 (very common), 3 (common), 4 (mildly scarce), 5 (scarce), 6 (very scarce), 7 (rare), 8 (extremely rare) and 9 (unconfirmed).
Bold Type indicates players now in the baseball Hall of Fame.
1) Later series cards (i.e., cards from the Team, 80 and 90 series) are based on period advertising checklists.
2) For most cards appearing with multiple back types, it is unknown which back type was distributed with these later series. It is also unknown which Jimmy Walsh variation was issued in Series 20, 22, 74, 81 and 92.
3) For a detailed description of the Sporting Life set, see article by Tim Newcomb in Old Cardboard magazine (1910-12 M116 Sporting Life: A (Mostly) Pastel Treasure, Issue #18, Winter 2009, p. 14).
Thanks to Tim Newcomb for providing the majority of the data found in the above checklist.
(Records 1 - 400 out of 400)   

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