(67) Ford Putting Over a Spitter (Sweeney, Ford) |
 (68) Good Play at Third (Moriarty, Cobb) |
 (69) Grant Gets His Man (Hoblitzell, Grant) |
 (70) Hal Chase Too Late (McIntyre, McConnell) |
 (71) Hal Chase Too Late (Suggs, McLean) |
 (72) Harry Lord at Third (Lennox, Tinker) |
 (73) Hartzell Covering Third (Scanlan, Dahlen) |
 (74) Hartsel Strikes Out (Groom, Gray) |
 (75) Held at Third (Tannehill, Lord) |
 (76) Jake Stahl Guarding First (Cicotte, Stahl) |
 (77) Jim Delehanty at Bat (Delehanty, Jones) |
 (78) Just Before the Battle (Ames, Meyers) |
 (79) Just Before the Battle (Breshanhan, McGraw) |
 (80) Just Before the Battle (Crandall, Meyers) |
 (81) Just Before the Battle (Devore, Becker) |
 (82) Just Before the Battle (Fletcher, Mathewson) |
 (83) Just Before the Battle (Marquard, Meyers) |
 (84) Just Before the Battle (McGraw, Jennings) |
 (85) Just Before the Battle (Meyers, Mathewson) |
 (86) Just Before the Battle (Snodgrass, Murray) |
 (87) Just Before the Battle (Wiltse, Meyers) |
 (88) Knight Catches a Runner (Knight, Johnson) |
 (89) Lobert Almost Caught (Bridwell, Kling) |
 (90) Lobert Almost Caught (Kling, Young) |
 (91) Lobert Almost Caught (Mattern, Kling) |
 (92) Lobert Almost Caught (Steinfeldt, Kling) |
 (93) Lobert Gets Tenney (Lobert, Dooin) |
 (94) Lord Catches His Man (Tannehill, Lord) |
 (95) McConnell Caught (Richie, Needham) |
 (96) McIntyre at Bat (McIntyre, McConnell) |
 (97) Moriarty Spiked (Willett, Stanage) |
 (98) Nearly Caught (Bates, Bescher) |
 (99) Oldring Almost Home (Lord, Oldring) |
 (100) Schaefer on First (McBride, Milan) |
 (101) Schaefer Steals Second (McBride, Griffith) |
 (102) Scoring From Second (Lord, Oldring) |
 (103) Scrambling Back to First (Barger, Bergen) |
 (104) Scrambling Back to First (Wolter, Chase) |
 (105) Speaker Almost Caught (Miller, Clarke) |
 (106) Speaker Rounding Third (Wood, Speaker) |
 (107) Speaker Scores (Speaker, Engle) |
 (108) Stahl Safe (Stovall, Austin) |
 (109) Stone About to Swing (Sheckard, Schulte) |
 (110) Sullivan Puts up a High One (Evans, Huggins) |
 (111) Sullivan Puts up a High One (Groom, Gray) |
 (112) Sweeney Gets Stahl (Ford, Vaughan) |
 (113) Sweeney Gets Stahl (Sweeney, Ford) |
 (114) Tenney Lands Safely (Raymond, Latham) |
 (115) The Athletic Infield (Barry, Baker) |
 (116) The Athletic Infield (Brown, Graham) |
 (117) The Athletic Infield (Hauser, Konetchy) |
 (118) The Athletic Infield (Krause, Thomas) |
 (119) The Pinch Hitter (Hoblitzell, Egan) |
 (120) The Scissors Slide (Birmingham, Turner) |
 (121) Tom Jones at Bat (Fromme, McLean) |
 (122) Tom Jones at Bat (Gaspar, McLean) |
 (123) Too Late for Devlin (Ames, Meyers) |
 (124) Too Late for Devlin (Crandall, Meyers) |
 (125) Too Late for Devlin (Devlin [Giants], Mathewson) |
 (126) Too Late for Devlin (Devlin [Rustlers], Mathewson) |
 (127) Too Late for Devlin (Marquard, Meyers) |
 (128) Too Late for Devlin (Wiltse, Meyers) |
 (129) Ty Cobb Steals Third (Jennings, Cobb) |
 (130) Ty Cobb Steals Third (Moriarty, Cobb) |
 (131) Ty Cobb Steals Third (Stovall, Austin) |
 (132) Wheat Strikes Out (Dahlen, Wheat) |