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1912   T202   Hassan Triple Folders
Player Checklist
Card # |
Action Pose # |
Title on Center Panel (Player-Left, Right) | Team |
(1) | (1a) | A Close Play at Home Plate (Wallace, LaPorte) | Browns |
(2) | (1b) | A Close Play at Home Plate (Wallace, Pelty) | Browns |
(3) | (2) | A Desperate Slide for Third (O'Leary, Cobb) | Tigers |
(4) | (3a) | A Great Batsman (Barger, Bergen) | Superbas |
(5) | (3b) | A Great Batsman (Rucker, Bergen) | Superbas |
(6) | (4) | Ambrose McConnell at Bat (Blair*, Quinn) | Highlanders |
(7) | (5) | A Wide Throw Saves Crawford (Mullin, Stanage) | Tigers |
(8) | (6) | Baker Gets His Man (Collins, Baker) | Athletics |
(9) | (7) | Birmingham Gets to Third (Johnson, Street) | Senators/Highlanders |
(10) | (8) | Birmingham's Home Run (Birmingham, Turner) | Naps |
(11) | (9) | Bush Just Misses Austin (Moran, Magee) | Phillies |
(12) | (10a) | Carrigan Blocks His Man (Gaspar, McLean) | Reds |
(13) | (10b) | Carrigan Blocks His Man (Wagner, Carrigan) | Red Sox |
(14) | (11) | Catching Him Napping (Oakes, Bresnahan) | Cardinals |
(15) | (12) | Caught Asleep Off First (Bresnahan, Harmon) | Cardinals |
(16) | (13a) | Chance Beats Out a Hit (Chance, Foxen) | Cubs |
(17) | (13b) | Chance Beats Out a Hit (McIntire, Archer) | Cubs |
(18) | (13c) | Chance Beats Out a Hit (Overall, Archer) | Cubs |
(19) | (13d) | Chance Beats Out a Hit (Rowan, Archer) | Cubs |
(20) | (13e) | Chance Beats Out a Hit (Shean, Chance) | Cubs |
(21) | (14a) | Chase Dives into Third (Chase, Wolter) | Highlanders |
(22) | (14b) | Chase Dives into Third (Gibson, Clarke) | Pirates |
(23) | (14c) | Chase Dives into Third (Phillippe, Gibson) | Pirates |
(24) | (15a) | Chase Gets Ball Too late (Egan, Mitchell) | Reds |
(25) | (15b) | Chase Gets Ball Too late (Wolter, Chase) | Highlanders |
(26) | (16a) | Chase Guarding First (Chase, Wolter) | Highlanders |
(27) | (16b) | Chase Guarding First (Gibson, Clarke) | Pirates |
(28) | (16c) | Chase Guarding First (Liefield, Gibson) | Pirates |
(29) | (17) | Chase Ready for the Squeeze Play (Paskert, Magee) | Phillies |
(30) | (18) | Chase Safe at Third (Barry, Baker) | Athletics |
(31) | (19) | Chief Bender Waiting for a Good One (Bender, Thomas) | Athletics |
(32) | (20) | Clark Hikes for Home (Bridwell, Kling) | Rustlers |
(33) | (21) | Close at First (Ball, Stovall) | Naps/Browns |
(34) | (22a) | Close at the Plate (Walsh, Payne) | White Sox |
(35) | (22b) | Close at the Plate (White, Payne) | White Sox |
(36) | (23) | Close at Third (Wood*, Speaker) | Red Sox |
(37) | (24) | Close at Third (Wagner, Carrigan) | Red Sox |
(38) | (25a) | Collins Easily Safe (Byrne, Clarke) | Pirates |
(39) | (25b) | Collins Easily Safe (Collins, Baker) | Athletics |
(40) | (25c) | Collins Easily Safe (Collins, Murphy) | Athletics |
(41) | (26) | Crawford About to Smash One (Stanage, Summers) | Tigers |
(42) | (27) | Cree Rolls Home (Daubert, Hummell) | Superbas |
(43) | (28) | Davy Jones' Great Slide (Delahanty, Jones) | Tigers |
(44) | (29a) | Devlin Gets His Man (Devlin [Giants], Mathewson) | Giants |
(45) | (29b) | Devlin Gets His Man (Devlin [Rustlers], Mathewson) | Rustlers/Giants |
(46) | (29c) | Devlin Gets His Man (Fletcher, Mathewson) | Giants |
(47) | (29d) | Devlin Gets His Man (Meyers, Mathewson) | Giants |
(48) | (30a) | Donlin Out at First (Camnitz, Gibson) | Pirates |
(49) | (30b) | Donlin Out at First (Doyle, Merkle) | Giants |
(50) | (30c) | Donlin Out at First (Leach, Wilson) | Pirates |
(51) | (30d) | Donlin Out at First (Magee, Dooin) | Phillies |
(52) | (30e) | Donlin Out at First (Phillipe, Gibson) | Pirates |
(53) | (31a) | Dooin Gets His Man (Dooin, Doolan) | Phillies |
(54) | (31b) | Dooin Gets His Man (Lobert, Dooin) | Phillies |
(55) | (31c) | Dooin Gets His Man (Titus, Dooin) | Phillies |
(56) | (32) | Easy For Larry (Doyle, Merkle) | Giants |
(57) | (33) | Elberfeld Beats the Throw (Milan, Elberfeld) | Senators |
(58) | (34) | Elberfeld Gets His Man (Milan, Elberfeld) | Senators |
(59) | (35) | Engle in a Close Play (Speaker, Engle) | Red Sox |
(60) | (36a) | Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Archer, Evers) | Cubs |
(61) | (36b) | Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Evers, Chance) | Cubs |
(62) | (36c) | Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Overall, Archer) | Cubs |
(63) | (36d) | Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Ruelbach, Archer) | Cubs |
(64) | (36e) | Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Tinker, Chance) | Cubs |
(65) | (37) | Fast Work at Third (O'Leary, Cobb) | Tigers |
(66) | (38a) | Ford Putting Over a Spitter (Ford, Vaughan) | Highlanders |
(67) | (38b) | Ford Putting Over a Spitter (Sweeney, Ford) | Highlanders |
(68) | (39) | Good Play at Third (Moriarty, Cobb) | Tigers |
(69) | (40) | Grant Gets His Man (Hoblitzell, Grant) | Reds |
(70) | (41a) | Hal Chase Too Late (McIntyre, McConnell) | Whit Sox |
(71) | (41b) | Hal Chase Too Late (Suggs, McLean) | Reds |
(72) | (42) | Harry Lord at Third (Lennox, Tinker) | Cubs |
(73) | (43) | Hartzell Covering Third (Scanlan, Dahlen) | Superbas |
(74) | (44) | Hartsel Strikes Out (Groom, Gray) | Senators |
(75) | (45) | Held at Third (Tannehill, Lord) | White Sox |
(76) | (46) | Jake Stahl Guarding First (Cicotte, Stahl) | Red Sox |
(77) | (47) | Jim Delehanty at Bat (Delehanty, Jones) | Tigers |
(78) | (48a) | Just Before the Battle (Ames, Meyers) | Giants |
(79) | (48b) | Just Before the Battle (Breshanhan, McGraw) | Cardinals/Giants |
(80) | (48c) | Just Before the Battle (Crandall, Meyers) | Giants |
(81) | (48d) | Just Before the Battle (Devore, Becker) | Giants |
(82) | (48e) | Just Before the Battle (Fletcher, Mathewson) | Giants |
(83) | (48f) | Just Before the Battle (Marquard, Meyers) | Giants |
(84) | (48g) | Just Before the Battle (McGraw, Jennings) | Giants/Tigers |
(85) | (48h) | Just Before the Battle (Meyers, Mathewson) | Giants |
(86) | (48i) | Just Before the Battle (Snodgrass, Murray) | Giants |
(87) | (48j) | Just Before the Battle (Wiltse, Meyers) | Giants |
(88) | (49) | Knight Catches a Runner (Knight, Johnson) | Senators |
(89) | (50a) | Lobert Almost Caught (Bridwell, Kling) | Rustlers |
(90) | (50b) | Lobert Almost Caught (Kling, Young) | Rustlers/Braves |
(91) | (50c) | Lobert Almost Caught (Mattern, Kling) | Rustlers |
(92) | (50d) | Lobert Almost Caught (Steinfeldt, Kling) | Rustlers |
(93) | (51) | Lobert Gets Tenney (Lobert, Dooin) | Phillies |
(94) | (52) | Lord Catches His Man (Tannehill, Lord) | White Sox |
(95) | (53) | McConnell Caught (Richie, Needham) | Cubs |
(96) | (54) | McIntyre at Bat (McIntyre, McConnell) | White Sox |
(97) | (55) | Moriarty Spiked (Willett, Stanage) | Tigers |
(98) | (56) | Nearly Caught (Bates, Bescher) | Reds |
(99) | (57) | Oldring Almost Home (Lord, Oldring) | Athletics |
(100) | (58) | Schaefer on First (McBride, Milan) | Senators |
(101) | (59) | Schaefer Steals Second (McBride, Griffith) | Washington |
(102) | (60) | Scoring From Second (Lord, Oldring) | Athletics |
(103) | (61a) | Scrambling Back to First (Barger, Bergen) | Superbas |
(104) | (61b) | Scrambling Back to First (Wolter, Chase) | Highlanders |
(105) | (62) | Speaker Almost Caught (Miller, Clarke) | Pirates |
(106) | (63) | Speaker Rounding Third (Wood*, Speaker) | Red Sox |
(107) | (64) | Speaker Scores (Speaker, Engle) | Red Sox |
(108) | (65) | Stahl Safe (Stovall, Austin) | Browns |
(109) | (66) | Stone About to Swing (Sheckard, Schulte) | Cubs |
(110) | (67a) | Sullivan Puts up a High One (Evans, Huggins) | Cardinals |
(111) | (67b) | Sullivan Puts up a High One (Groom, Gray) | Senators |
(112) | (68a) | Sweeney Gets Stahl (Ford, Vaughan) | Highlanders |
(113) | (68b) | Sweeney Gets Stahl (Sweeney, Ford) | Highlanders |
(114) | (69) | Tenney Lands Safely (Raymond, Latham) | Giants |
(115) | (70a) | The Athletic Infield (Barry, Baker) | Athletics |
(116) | (70b) | The Athletic Infield (Brown, Graham) | Cubs |
(117) | (70c) | The Athletic Infield (Hauser, Konetchy) | Cardinals |
(118) | (70d) | The Athletic Infield (Krause, Thomas) | Athletics |
(119) | (71) | The Pinch Hitter (Hoblitzell, Egan) | Reds |
(120) | (72) | The Scissors Slide (Birmingham, Turner) | Naps |
(121) | (73a) | Tom Jones at Bat (Fromme, McLean) | Reds |
(122) | (73b) | Tom Jones at Bat (Gaspar, McLean) | Reds |
(123) | (74a) | Too Late for Devlin (Ames, Meyers) | Giants |
(124) | (74b) | Too Late for Devlin (Crandall, Meyers) | Giants |
(125) | (74c) | Too Late for Devlin (Devlin [Giants], Mathewson) | Giants |
(126) | (74d) | Too Late for Devlin (Devlin [Rustlers], Mathewson) | Rustlers/Giants |
(127) | (74e) | Too Late for Devlin (Marquard, Meyers) | Giants |
(128) | (74f) | Too Late for Devlin (Wiltse, Meyers) | Giants |
(129) | (75a) | Ty Cobb Steals Third (Jennings, Cobb) | Tigers |
(130) | (75b) | Ty Cobb Steals Third (Moriarty, Cobb) | Tigers |
(131) | (75c) | Ty Cobb Steals Third (Stovall, Austin) | Browns |
(132) | (76) | Wheat Strikes Out (Dahlen, Wheat) | Superbas |
*Identifies the two players that are not found in the T205 set. |
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