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1912   T202   Hassan Triple Folders
Player Checklist

Pose #
Title on Center Panel (Player-Left, Right) Team

(1)(1a) A Close Play at Home Plate (Wallace, LaPorte)Browns
(2)(1b) A Close Play at Home Plate (Wallace, Pelty) Browns
(3)(2) A Desperate Slide for Third (O'Leary, Cobb) Tigers
(4)(3a) A Great Batsman (Barger, Bergen) Superbas
(5)(3b) A Great Batsman (Rucker, Bergen) Superbas
(6)(4) Ambrose McConnell at Bat (Blair*, Quinn) Highlanders
(7)(5) A Wide Throw Saves Crawford (Mullin, Stanage)Tigers
(8)(6) Baker Gets His Man (Collins, Baker) Athletics
(9)(7) Birmingham Gets to Third (Johnson, Street) Senators/Highlanders
(10)(8) Birmingham's Home Run (Birmingham, Turner) Naps
(11)(9) Bush Just Misses Austin (Moran, Magee) Phillies
(12)(10a)Carrigan Blocks His Man (Gaspar, McLean) Reds
(13)(10b)Carrigan Blocks His Man (Wagner, Carrigan) Red Sox
(14)(11) Catching Him Napping (Oakes, Bresnahan) Cardinals
(15)(12) Caught Asleep Off First (Bresnahan, Harmon)Cardinals
(16)(13a)Chance Beats Out a Hit (Chance, Foxen) Cubs
(17)(13b)Chance Beats Out a Hit (McIntire, Archer) Cubs
(18)(13c)Chance Beats Out a Hit (Overall, Archer) Cubs
(19)(13d)Chance Beats Out a Hit (Rowan, Archer) Cubs
(20)(13e)Chance Beats Out a Hit (Shean, Chance) Cubs
(21)(14a)Chase Dives into Third (Chase, Wolter) Highlanders
(22)(14b)Chase Dives into Third (Gibson, Clarke) Pirates
(23)(14c)Chase Dives into Third (Phillippe, Gibson) Pirates
(24)(15a)Chase Gets Ball Too late (Egan, Mitchell) Reds
(25)(15b)Chase Gets Ball Too late (Wolter, Chase) Highlanders
(26)(16a)Chase Guarding First (Chase, Wolter) Highlanders
(27)(16b)Chase Guarding First (Gibson, Clarke) Pirates
(28)(16c)Chase Guarding First (Liefield, Gibson) Pirates
(29)(17) Chase Ready for the Squeeze Play (Paskert, Magee)Phillies
(30)(18) Chase Safe at Third (Barry, Baker) Athletics
(31)(19) Chief Bender Waiting for a Good One (Bender, Thomas)Athletics
(32)(20) Clark Hikes for Home (Bridwell, Kling) Rustlers
(33)(21) Close at First (Ball, Stovall) Naps/Browns
(34)(22a)Close at the Plate (Walsh, Payne) White Sox
(35)(22b)Close at the Plate (White, Payne) White Sox
(36)(23) Close at Third (Wood*, Speaker) Red Sox
(37)(24) Close at Third (Wagner, Carrigan) Red Sox
(38)(25a)Collins Easily Safe (Byrne, Clarke) Pirates
(39)(25b)Collins Easily Safe (Collins, Baker) Athletics
(40)(25c)Collins Easily Safe (Collins, Murphy) Athletics
(41)(26) Crawford About to Smash One (Stanage, Summers) Tigers
(42)(27) Cree Rolls Home (Daubert, Hummell) Superbas
(43)(28) Davy Jones' Great Slide (Delahanty, Jones) Tigers
(44)(29a)Devlin Gets His Man (Devlin [Giants], Mathewson)Giants
(45)(29b)Devlin Gets His Man (Devlin [Rustlers], Mathewson)Rustlers/Giants
(46)(29c)Devlin Gets His Man (Fletcher, Mathewson) Giants
(47)(29d)Devlin Gets His Man (Meyers, Mathewson) Giants
(48)(30a)Donlin Out at First (Camnitz, Gibson) Pirates
(49)(30b)Donlin Out at First (Doyle, Merkle) Giants
(50)(30c)Donlin Out at First (Leach, Wilson) Pirates
(51)(30d)Donlin Out at First (Magee, Dooin) Phillies
(52)(30e)Donlin Out at First (Phillipe, Gibson) Pirates
(53)(31a)Dooin Gets His Man (Dooin, Doolan) Phillies
(54)(31b)Dooin Gets His Man (Lobert, Dooin) Phillies
(55)(31c)Dooin Gets His Man (Titus, Dooin) Phillies
(56)(32) Easy For Larry (Doyle, Merkle) Giants
(57)(33) Elberfeld Beats the Throw (Milan, Elberfeld)Senators
(58)(34) Elberfeld Gets His Man (Milan, Elberfeld) Senators
(59)(35) Engle in a Close Play (Speaker, Engle) Red Sox
(60)(36a)Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Archer, Evers) Cubs
(61)(36b)Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Evers, Chance) Cubs
(62)(36c)Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Overall, Archer) Cubs
(63)(36d)Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Ruelbach, Archer)Cubs
(64)(36e)Evers Makes a Safe Slide (Tinker, Chance) Cubs
(65)(37) Fast Work at Third (O'Leary, Cobb) Tigers
(66)(38a)Ford Putting Over a Spitter (Ford, Vaughan)Highlanders
(67)(38b)Ford Putting Over a Spitter (Sweeney, Ford)Highlanders
(68)(39) Good Play at Third (Moriarty, Cobb) Tigers
(69)(40) Grant Gets His Man (Hoblitzell, Grant) Reds
(70)(41a)Hal Chase Too Late (McIntyre, McConnell) Whit Sox
(71)(41b)Hal Chase Too Late (Suggs, McLean) Reds
(72)(42) Harry Lord at Third (Lennox, Tinker) Cubs
(73)(43) Hartzell Covering Third (Scanlan, Dahlen) Superbas
(74)(44) Hartsel Strikes Out (Groom, Gray) Senators
(75)(45) Held at Third (Tannehill, Lord) White Sox
(76)(46) Jake Stahl Guarding First (Cicotte, Stahl) Red Sox
(77)(47) Jim Delehanty at Bat (Delehanty, Jones) Tigers
(78)(48a)Just Before the Battle (Ames, Meyers) Giants
(79)(48b)Just Before the Battle (Breshanhan, McGraw)Cardinals/Giants
(80)(48c)Just Before the Battle (Crandall, Meyers) Giants
(81)(48d)Just Before the Battle (Devore, Becker) Giants
(82)(48e)Just Before the Battle (Fletcher, Mathewson)Giants
(83)(48f)Just Before the Battle (Marquard, Meyers) Giants
(84)(48g)Just Before the Battle (McGraw, Jennings) Giants/Tigers
(85)(48h)Just Before the Battle (Meyers, Mathewson) Giants
(86)(48i)Just Before the Battle (Snodgrass, Murray) Giants
(87)(48j)Just Before the Battle (Wiltse, Meyers) Giants
(88)(49) Knight Catches a Runner (Knight, Johnson) Senators
(89)(50a)Lobert Almost Caught (Bridwell, Kling) Rustlers
(90)(50b)Lobert Almost Caught (Kling, Young) Rustlers/Braves
(91)(50c)Lobert Almost Caught (Mattern, Kling) Rustlers
(92)(50d)Lobert Almost Caught (Steinfeldt, Kling) Rustlers
(93)(51) Lobert Gets Tenney (Lobert, Dooin) Phillies
(94)(52) Lord Catches His Man (Tannehill, Lord) White Sox
(95)(53) McConnell Caught (Richie, Needham) Cubs
(96)(54) McIntyre at Bat (McIntyre, McConnell) White Sox
(97)(55) Moriarty Spiked (Willett, Stanage) Tigers
(98)(56) Nearly Caught (Bates, Bescher) Reds
(99)(57) Oldring Almost Home (Lord, Oldring) Athletics
(100)(58) Schaefer on First (McBride, Milan) Senators
(101)(59) Schaefer Steals Second (McBride, Griffith)Washington
(102)(60) Scoring From Second (Lord, Oldring) Athletics
(103)(61a)Scrambling Back to First (Barger, Bergen) Superbas
(104)(61b)Scrambling Back to First (Wolter, Chase) Highlanders
(105)(62) Speaker Almost Caught (Miller, Clarke) Pirates
(106)(63) Speaker Rounding Third (Wood*, Speaker) Red Sox
(107)(64) Speaker Scores (Speaker, Engle) Red Sox
(108)(65) Stahl Safe (Stovall, Austin) Browns
(109)(66) Stone About to Swing (Sheckard, Schulte) Cubs
(110)(67a)Sullivan Puts up a High One (Evans, Huggins)Cardinals
(111)(67b)Sullivan Puts up a High One (Groom, Gray) Senators
(112)(68a)Sweeney Gets Stahl (Ford, Vaughan) Highlanders
(113)(68b)Sweeney Gets Stahl (Sweeney, Ford) Highlanders
(114)(69) Tenney Lands Safely (Raymond, Latham) Giants
(115)(70a)The Athletic Infield (Barry, Baker) Athletics
(116)(70b)The Athletic Infield (Brown, Graham) Cubs
(117)(70c)The Athletic Infield (Hauser, Konetchy) Cardinals
(118)(70d)The Athletic Infield (Krause, Thomas) Athletics
(119)(71) The Pinch Hitter (Hoblitzell, Egan) Reds
(120)(72) The Scissors Slide (Birmingham, Turner) Naps
(121)(73a)Tom Jones at Bat (Fromme, McLean) Reds
(122)(73b)Tom Jones at Bat (Gaspar, McLean) Reds
(123)(74a)Too Late for Devlin (Ames, Meyers) Giants
(124)(74b)Too Late for Devlin (Crandall, Meyers) Giants
(125)(74c)Too Late for Devlin (Devlin [Giants], Mathewson)Giants
(126)(74d)Too Late for Devlin (Devlin [Rustlers], Mathewson)Rustlers/Giants
(127)(74e)Too Late for Devlin (Marquard, Meyers) Giants
(128)(74f)Too Late for Devlin (Wiltse, Meyers) Giants
(129)(75a)Ty Cobb Steals Third (Jennings, Cobb) Tigers
(130)(75b)Ty Cobb Steals Third (Moriarty, Cobb) Tigers
(131)(75c)Ty Cobb Steals Third (Stovall, Austin) Browns
(132)(76) Wheat Strikes Out (Dahlen, Wheat) Superbas

*Identifies the two players that are not found in the T205 set.

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