(1) Abbaticchio Pittsburgh |
(2) Abbott Toledo |
(3a) Abstein Pittsburg |
(3a) Abstein Jersey City |
(4) Adams Pittsburg (2) |
(5) Adkins Baltimore |
(6a) Altzier Minneapolis |
(6b) Altzier Cincinnati |
(7) Altrock Minneapolis |
(8) Ames New York, Natl.L. |
(9a) Austin New York AM. |
(9b) Austin St. Louis AM. |
(10a) Babb Memphis |
(10b) Babb Norfolk, Va. |
(11) Baerwald Memphis |
(12) Bailey St. Louis Am.L. |
(13) Baker Phila. Am.L. |
(14) Barry Phila. AM. |
(15a) Bartley Atlanta (Curved text) |
(15b) Bartley Atlanta (Straight text) |
(16a) Bates Phila. Natl.L. |
(16b) Bates Cincinnati |
(17) Bayless Atlanta |
(18a) Beaumont Boston Natl.L. |
(18b) Beaumont Chicago Natl.L. |
(18c) Beaumont St. Paul |
(19) Becker Boston Natl.L. |
(20) Bell Brooklyn (2) |
(21a) Bemis Cleveland |
(21b) Bemis Columbus |
(22a) Berger Cleveland |
(22a) Berger Columbus |
(23) Beumiller Louisville |
(24) Birmingham Cleveland |
(25) Bransfield Phila. Natl.L. |
(26) Bresnahan St. Louis Natl.L. |
(27) Bridwell New York Natl.L. |
(28) Brockett New York Am.L. |
(29) Burch Brooklyn |
(30b) Burke Indianapolis |
(30a) Burke Ft. Wayne |
(31) Bush Detroit |
(32) Byers Baltimore |
(33) Camnitz Pittsburgh |
(34a) Carr Indianapolis |
(34b) Carr Utica |
(35) Chance Chicago Natl.L. |
(36) Chase New York Am.L. |
(37) Clancy Baltimore |
(38a) Clarke, Fred Pittsburg |
(38b) Clarke, Fred Pittsburgh |
(39) Clarke, Tommy Cincinnati |
(40) Clymer Minneapolis |
(41) Cobb Detroit |
(42) Collins Phila. Am.L. |
(43) Congalton Columbus |
(44) Conroy Washington Am.L. |
(45) Courtney Providence |
(46a) Coveleski Cincinnati |
(46b) Coveleski Chattanooga |
(47) Crandall Memphis |
(48) Cravath St. Paul |
(49) Criss St. Louis Am.L. |
(50a) Daubert Memphis |
(50b) Daubert Brooklyn |
(51) Davis, Harry Philadelphia |
(52) Davis, Lefty St-Paul |
(53) Delahanty Toronto |
(54a) Demmett New-York Am.L. |
(54b) Demmett Montreal |
(55) Devlin New York Natl.L. |
(56) Donovan Detroit |
(57) Doolin (Doolan) Philadelphia |
(58) Dougherty Chicago |
(59) Downey Cincinnati |
(60) Doyle New York Natl.L. |
(61) Dunn Baltimore |
(62) Eagan (Egan) Cincinnati |
(63a) Elberfield New York Am.L. |
(63b) Elberfield Washington |
(64) Ellis St. Louis Natl.L. |
(65a) Engle New York Am.L. |
(65b) Engle Boston AM. |
(66) Evans St. Louis Natl.L. |
(67) Evers Chicago Natl.L. |
(68) Ferguson Boston NAT'L |
(69) Ferris Minneapolis |
(70) Field Montreal (2) |
(71) Fitzgerald Providence |
(72a) Flaherty Kansas City |
(72b) Flaherty Atlanta |
(773) Flater Newark |
(74a) Flick Cleveland |
(74b) Flick Toledo |
(75a) Freck Toronto |
(75b) Freck Baltimore |
(76) Freeman Toledo |
(77) Fromme Cincinnati (2) |
(78a) Gardner New York Am.L. |
(78b) Gardner Boston Am.L. |
(79) Gaspar Cincinnati |
(80a) Getz Boston Natl.L. |
(80b) Getz Indianapolis |
(81) Gibson Pittsburgh |
(82a) Grimshaw Toronto |
(82b) Grimshaw Louisville |
(83) Hahn Chicago AM.L. |
(84) Halla Louisville (2) |
(85) Hally (Holly) Rochester |
(86) Hanford Jersey City |
(87) Hartsel Philadelphia Am.L. |
(88a) Hartzell St. Louis Am.L. |
(88b) Hartzell New York AM. |
(89) Henley Rochester |
(90) Hinchman Columbus |
(91) Hofman NAT'L. |
(92a) Hooper Boston Nat'l. |
(92b) Hooper Boston Am.L. |
(93) Howard Lousiville |
(94) Hughes Louisville |
(95a) Hulswitt St. Louis Natl.L. |
(95b) Hulswitt Chattanooga |
(96) Hummel Brooklyn |
(97) Hunter Brooklyn |
(98) Jennings Detroit |
(99) Jones, Davy Detroit |
(100) Jones, Tom Detroit |
(101a) Jordon Brooklyn |
(101b) Jordon Louisville |
(101c) Jordon Atlanta |
(102) Joss Cleveland |
(103) Kaiser Louisville |
(104) Kelly (Kelley) Toronto |
(105) Killefer St. Louis AM. |
(106a) Killian Detroit
(106b) Killian Toronto
(107) Knabe Philadelphia Natl.L |
(108) Knight New York AM.L. |
(109) Konetchy St. Louis Natl.L. |
(110) Kroh Louisville |
(111) Lafitte Rochester |
(112) Lakoff (Lakaff) Louisville |
(113) Lange Chicago Am.L. |
(114a) Laporte New York AM. |
(114b) Laporte St. Louis AM. |
(115) Leach Pittsburg |
(116) Lelivelt Detroit |
(117a) Lewis Indianapolis |
(117b) Lewis Milwaukee |
(118a) Lindaman Boston Natl.L. |
(118b) Lindaman Indianapolis |
(118c) Lindaman Louisville |
(119) Lord, Bris Philadelphia |
(120a) Lord, Harry Boston Am.L. |
(120b) Lord, Harry Chicago Am.L. |
(121) Ludwig Milwaukee |
(122) Maddox Pittsburg |
(123a) Manser Jersey City |
(123b) Manser Rochester |
(124) Mattern Boston Natl.L. |
(125) Matthews Atlanta |
(126) McBride Washington |
(127) McCarthy Toledo |
(128) McConnell Rochester |
(129) McCormick New York Natl.L. |
(130) McGann Milwaukee |
(131) McGinley Toronto |
(132) McGinnity Newark |
(133a) McIntyre Detroit |
(133b) McIntyre Chicago AM. |
(134) McLean Cincinnati |
(135) Merkle New York Natl.L. |
(136a) Merritt Jersey City |
(136b) Merritt Buffalo |
(137) Meyer Newark |
(138) Meyers New York Natl.L. |
(139) Milan Washingto Am.L. |
(140) Miller Pittsburg |
(141) Mitchell Cincinnati |
(142) Moran Atlanta |
(143a) Moriarty, Bill Louisville |
(143b) Moriarty, Bill Omaha |
(144) Moriarty, Geo. Detroit |
(145a) Mullen Detroit |
(145b) Mullin Detroit |
(146a) Murch Indianapolis |
(146b) Murch Chattanooga |
(147) Murphy Phila. Am.L. (2) |
(148) Murray, James St. Paul |
(149) Murray, Red New York Natl. |
(150) Nattress Montreal |
(151a) Nelson Toledo |
(151b) Nelson St. Louis Am.L. |
(152) Oakes St. Louis Nat'l |
(153) Odwell Columbus (2) |
(154a) Orth New York AM.L. |
(154b) Orth Indianapolis |
(155) Osborn Rochester |
(156) Overall Chicago Natl.L. |
(157) Owens Minneapolis |
(158) Parent Chicago Am.L. |
(159a) Paskert Cincinnati |
(159b) Paskert Philadelphia Natl.L. |
(160) Peitz Louisville |
(161) Peterson Providence |
(162) Pfeister Chicago Natl.L. |
(163) Phillippe Pittsburgh |
(164a) Pickering Minneapolis |
(164b) Pickering Louisville |
(164c) Pickering Omaha |
(165a) Purtell Chicago Am.L. |
(165b) Purtell Boston |
(166) Raymond New York Natl.L. |
(167) Regan Rochester |
(168) Reilly, Barney Chicago Am.L. |
(169) Reilly, Tom Louisville
(170) Reulbach Chicago Am.L. |
(171) Ritchey Louisville |
(172) Ritter Kansas City |
(173) Robinson Louisville |
(174) Rock Providence |
(175a) Rowan Cincinnati |
(175b) Rowan Philadelphia |
(176) Rucker Brooklyn |
(177a) Rudolph Toronto |
(177b) Rudolph New York Natl.L. |
(178) Ryan St. Paul |
(179) Sallee St. Louis Nat'l |
(180a) Schardt Milwaukee |
(180b) Schardt Birmingham |
(181) Scheckard Chicago Natl.L. |
(182a) Schirm Buffalo |
(182b) Schirm Birmingham |
(183) Schlafly Newark |
(184) Schulte Chicago Natl.L. |
(185a) Seabaugh Nashville 1 |
(185b) Seabaugh Nashville 2 |
(186) Selby Louisville (2) |
(187a) Seymour New York |
(187b) Seymour Baltimore |
(188) Siner Boston Natl.L. |
(189) G. Smith Montreal |
(190a) Smith, Syd Atlanta |
(190b) Smith, Syd Buffalo |
(191) Snodgrass New York Natl.L. |
(192a) Spade Cincinnati |
(192b) Spade Newark |
(193a) Sparks Philadelphia Natl.L. |
(193b) Sparks Richmond |
(194) Speaker Boston AM. |
(195) Spencer St. Paul |
(196) Stahl Boston AM. |
(197) Stansberry Louisville |
(198) Steinfeldt Chicago Natl.L. (2) |
(199) Stone St. Louis Am.L. |
(200) Stovall Clevelant |
(201) Street Washington Am.L. |
(202a) Sullivan Louisville |
(202b) Sullivan Omaha |
(203a) Summers Detroit (gray jersey)
(203b) Summers Detroit (white jersey)
(204) Tannehill Chicago AM.L. |
(205) Taylor Kansas City |
(206) Tinker Chicago Natl.L. |
(207) Titus Phila Nat'l |
(208) Turner Cleveland |
(209a) Unglaub Washington Am.L. |
(209b) Unglaub Lincoln, Neb. |
(210a) Waddell St. Louis Am.L. |
(210b) Waddell Newark, N.J. |
(210c) Waddell Minneapolis |
(211) Wagner Pittsburgh |
(212) Walker Atlanta |
(213) Waller Jersey City |
(214) Wauner Memphis |
(215) White, Jack Buffalo |
(216) White, Oliver Boston Natl.L. |
(217) Willett Detroit AM. |
(218) Williams Indianapolis |
(219) Wilson Pittsburgh |
(220) Wiltse New York Natl.L. |
(221a) Weisman Nashville1 |
(221b) Wiesman Nashville2 |
(222a) Woodruff Louisville |
(222b) Woodruff Indianapolis |
(223) Woods Buffalo (2) |
(224) Cy Young Cleveland |
(225) Zimmerman, E. Newark |
(226) Zimmerman, H. Chicago Natl.L. |
A special thanks to Tom Boblitt, Mark Macrae, John Spano and Rhett Yeakley for their input to this gallery.