5. N28 Allen & Ginter: 1887 or 1888?
 N28 Front |
 N28 Back |
There seems to be some difference in the minds of vintage collectors (and in hobby references) about the date of issue of the popular N28 and N29 Allen & Ginter "World's Champions" tobacco card sets. Virtually all hobby references have until recently either been silent on the date-of-issue issue or have labeled the N28 set as an 1887 issue and the N29 cards as an 1888 issue. As seen from the images, the design for both sets is very similar. Each has a different checklist printed on the card backs. Otherwise, the relatively minor differences are the change of the Allen & Ginter label (from the front of the N28 cards to the reverse of the N29 cards) and the added notation "Second Series" placed at the top left of the N29 card backs.
 N29 Front |
 N29 Back |
Each of these two sets contains a total of 50 cards representing multiple sports of which baseball is only one. The N28 set includes cards for ten baseball players while the N29 set contains six. The fact that none of the players overlap between the two sets provides further evidence that the N29 issue might well have been considered by its designers as a continuation of the N28 set rather than a new and independent set.
The key to dating the N28 set is the card of John Clarkson, who is shown wearing a Boston jersey (see N28 Clarkson example card above). The records show that Clarkson played the full 1887 season with the Chicago White Stockings (in an interesting twist, the team evolved into what is now the Cubs--not the White Sox--but that is another story). Clarkson did not start playing with Boston until the following year, thus setting the production date for the N28 set at not earlier than 1888.
 N43 Front |
The change in the N28 dating from 1887 to 1888 also brings into question the correct dating for the N29 Allen & Ginter set as well as it's companion N43 set which is based on the same baseball and other non-baseball subjects.
Since it is the "Second Series," the N29 set has always been listed in hobby checklists as an 1888 issue, trailing the N28 set by one year. However, since it is now believed that the N28 set was produced in 1888, it becomes uncertain whether the N29 set was produced later that same year or in 1889.
While the answer may never be known with certainty, we will assume that both sets were produced in the same year--1888. Thus, we will continue to list N29 as an 1888 set in the set summary on the Old Cardboard website. For the same reasons, we will also continue to list the N43 set as an 1888 issue.
Lyman and Brett Hardeman
Old Cardboard, LLC.
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