5. OC Magazine Issue #13 on Schedule for mid-October Delivery
The content for Issue #13 (Fall 2007) of Old Cardboard magazine is now at the printer and scheduled for delivery by mid-October as promised. This Fall 2007 issue marks the beginning of our fourth year of publication. All issues to date have been produced in full-color and delivered on or ahead of schedule. We appreciate your continued support as we renew our commitment to bring you the most comprehensive information resource for vintage baseball cards and memorabilia.
The cover for this latest issue highlights our lead article by Joe Gonsowski, a second-time author for Old Cardboard magazine. Gonsowski's thorough research has not only uncovered a number of early photographs produced by Detroit's Tomlinson studios, he has located a newspaper clipping from the Detroit Free Press that pinpoints the exact date and time that the photo session took place. The photos from this session found their way onto several card sets familiar to vintage collectors, including the N172 Old Judge regular issue as well as the N173 Old Judge Cabinets, the N338-2 "Big League" issue of S. F. Hess tobacco, the Lorillard Tobacco Detroit team card, the Detroit team cards from two different sets produced by Kalamazoo Bats, and more.
The second article in the Fall 2007 issue, written by David Hornish, supplements the lead article from our last issue. This Part II of Hornish's two-part series focuses on the Topps Gum Company's inserts and other special issues from the 1950s. Together, the two-part series profiles all of Topps' sets (both mainstream and special issues) from the company's first decade of issuing baseball cards for promoting their gum products.
A third article by Jon Canfield (another second-time Old Cardboard author), focuses on the 1887 N184 set produced by W. S. Kimball tobacco company of Rochester, New York (which happens to be Canfield's home town). Highlights of Canfield's article include a set overview, a gallery of all 50 cards in the multisport set, career information about the four baseball "champions" in the set, background information about the company that produced the set, the company's founder, and a companion album for the set (designated "A42" in the American Card Catalog) that was offered as a mail-in premium.
Another brief article put together by the Old Cardboard staff showcases a panoramic photograph auctioned last year by Heritage Galleries of Dallas, Texas. The photo provides a unique view into the dead-ball era of baseball and records a game played August 30, 1908 between the Chicago Cubs and the New York Giants. The article narrative includes background perspective (all related to the content of the photograph) about the pennant race and World Series held that year.
The above feature articles are in addition to the magazine's regular "Editor's Notebook," "Collector's Dugout," and "Old Cardboard Crosswords" sections. Abstracts for each of the above articles, including thumbnail images of the full-color page layouts, can be viewed on the Old Cardboard website.
Lyman and Brett Hardeman
Old Cardboard, LLC.
Old Cardboard, LLC. was established in December, 2003, to help bring information on vintage baseball card collecting to the hobbyist. Produced by collectors for collectors, this comprehensive resource consists of three components: (1) Old Cardboard Magazine, (2) a companion website at www.oldcardboard.com and (3) this eNewsletter. The Old Cardboard website contains more than 500 pages of descriptive reference information for baseball card sets produced fifty years ago or longer. Each of these set summaries has a direct set-specific link to
auctions and a similar link to
's powerful search engine for further research. The website also includes a Show and Auction Calendar, an eBay Top 50 Vintage Sellers List, and much more. As a result, the Old Cardboard website makes a great "Alt-tab" companion for vintage card shoppers and researchers. Old Cardboard eNews provides current hobby news, upcoming shows and auctions, and updates to the website and the magazine. It is published around the middle of each month. For a FREE subscription to the eNewsletter, or for subscription information on Old Cardboard Magazine, please visit the website at www.oldcardboard.com. If you find this information resource helpful, please tell your friends. We need your support and your feedback. Thank you.
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