4. 1869 Peck & Snyder Trade Card Grabs National Spotlight
 Tonight Show's Jay Leno Displays Rare Vintage Card |
As vintage card hobbyists are well aware, ours is a niche hobby totalling only a few thousand active collectors at most. It is therefore not every day that prime time television devotes a segment to a vintage baseball card or to our hobby. Recently, however, there's been one very notable exception. A vintage card pulled from a nondescript box by an unsuspecting 72-year old California grandmother generated national news headlines and appearances on Jay Leno's Tonight Show along with several other national talk shows.
All the attention was focused on an 1869 Peck & Snyder Cincinnati Red Stockings trade card (see front and back images below). Offered first on eBay for an opening bid of $10, the card was later pulled and consigned to Memory Lane, Inc. It sold earlier this month for just over $75 thousand in a special auction promoted by the West Coast auction house. That's easily the highest ever paid for a Peck & Snyder card.
The grandmother, Bernice Gallego, watched Superbowl-style with a room full of friends as auction activity unfolded on a big-screen television hooked up just for the occasion. As the group munched on hot dogs and Cracker Jack, Bernice told Old Cardboard, their jaws dropped at the final bid price when the auction closed.
 Peck & Snyder (back) |
 1869 Peck & Snyder (front) |
The card is one of several similar cards produced by Peck & Snyder, a leading manufacturer and seller of sporting goods equipment based in New York City. This card measures approximately 3-5/16 inches high by 4-3/16 inches wide. Cards of the Cincinnati club of similar design are also known that are a little smaller. Peck & Snyder cards featuring the 1868 Brooklyn Atlantics, the 1870 Chicago White Stockings and the 1870 New York Mutuals are also known to the hobby.
The importance of the 1869 Peck & Snyder is not just that it is among the very first baseball cards, but that it features the first professional baseball team (the Cincinnati Red Stockings, also known during the period as the Porkopolitans). The players pictured in the photograph are identified on the card, along with the position they played. They are (left to right; standing): Hurley, Sub.; G. Wright, S.S.; Allison. C.; McVey, R.F., Leonard, L.F.; (sitting) Sweasy, 2d B.; Waterman, 3d B.; H. Wright, C.F.; Brainard, P.; Gould 1st B. Baseball's well known Wright brothers (George and Harry, both now members of the baseball Hall of Fame) are both pictured on the card.
It was two years later in 1871 that the National Association, acknowledged as the first major league, was formed. By that time, four of the above players from the 1869 Red Stockings (McVey, Gould and both Wright brothers) had joined the Boston Red Stockings of the National Association.
Winning bidder for the auctioned card (dubbed by some as the Peck & Snyder "Leno" card) was Jeff Rosenberg, owner of Tri-Star Productions, a producer of sports card and collectibles shows. Rosenberg has indicated that he plans to take the card on tour, including a stop at the National Sports Collectors Convention in Cleveland this summer. The card has been graded "Authentic" by PSA.
A profile of Peck & Snyder Trade Cards is provided on the Old Cardboard website.
5. News Briefs (A Digest of Recent Hobby Happenings)
SCD Branches into Auction Business. Krause Publications, publishers of long-time hobby publication Sports Collectors Digest (SCD), is throwing its hat into the auction house ring. However, the announcement of the launch of its Collect.com Auctions earlier this week drew less than favorable responses from some vintage card collectors. Voicing their concerns on the Network 54 Vintage Baseball Card Forum, collectors noted an already ample supply of auction houses as well as a not-well-disguised conflict of interest created by Krause in competing with their own magazine advertisers. Perhaps the most positive news in the announcement was that Bob Lemke, a respected stalwart in the hobby, has been re-hired by Krause to serve as consignment director for the new venture. The company is now taking consignments for its inaugural sale, slated to be held June 18.
Lyman and Brett Hardeman
Old Cardboard, LLC.
Old Cardboard, LLC. was established in December 2003, to help bring information on vintage baseball card collecting to the hobbyist. Produced by collectors for collectors, this comprehensive resource consists of three components: (1) Old Cardboard Magazine, (2) a companion website at www.oldcardboard.com and (3) this eNewsletter. The Old Cardboard website contains more than 500 pages of descriptive reference information for baseball card sets produced fifty years ago or longer. Each of these set summaries has a direct set-specific link to
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