4. 1910-11 H. T. Webb White Sox Postcards Analyzed
 1910-11 Webb RPPC (Harry Lord) |
Collector Mark Rios recently came across a previously unknown postcard depicting Harry Lord, the third baseman of the Chicago White Sox. The real photo postcard (RPPC) is postally used, canceled February 14, 1911 from the small town of Elkhorn, Wisconsin, some sixty miles from Chicago.
As shown at left, the card front does not include any text or other labeling for either the player or the producer of the card. The reverse (see below) includes the familiar postcard template along with a credit line on the left side that reads "Photo by H. T. Webb 6959 East End Ave., Chicago."
Unfamiliar with this labeling on the reverse, Rios undertook an extensive search on the Internet and among other collectors of vintage baseball postcards to better identify the card. Interestingly, he did find one other RPPC, also of a White Sox player, that appears to be from the same series.
The second card is from the collection of vintage postcard collector and Old Cardboard author Robert Silverman. It is of White Sox pitcher Joseph "Butcher Boy" Benz and can be viewed on Silverman's website at www.vintageball.com (scroll about midway down the page). The reverse of both cards carry the exact same postcard template and Webb credit line on the reverse. The postcard of Benz is unused but does include an interesting penciled note on the reverse: "Joe Benz, White Sox, My father roomed with him 1913-15." As Silverman notes, it is presumably from the offspring of a teammate.
 1910-11 Webb RPPC (back) |
Aside from the postmark on the card of Harry Lord, Rios sought to date both cards based on the uniforms shown on the card fronts, with interesting results. Both players are wearing a particular White Sox uniform--all white with a thick dark vertical panel coming down half way along the chest with the word "SOX".
This uniform design was used only during home games during the 1910 and 1911 season, according to the Baseball Uniforms Database of the National Hall of Fame website.
To further narrow the time line, Rios notes that Lord played for the club from August of 1910 until 1914. Thus, the photo of Lord had to have been taken sometime between August of 1910 and the date of the postmark in February of 1911. Since it is an action photo taken at Comiskey Park, Rios concludes, it was almost certainly taken in either August or September, before the season ended.
However, because Benz played for the White Sox beginning in August of 1911, his card could not have been produced until after August of 1911. So if the RPPCs were part of a series, then the series had to have been produced over the span of at least a year (September 1910 to August 1911) or longer.
Because of their rarity (and obscurity), the value of RPPCs such as these are very difficult to assess but would probably sell in a well promoted vintage sports auction in the $200-$300 range in "Very Good" condition for a common player.
Unfortunately, no information concerning H. T. Webb and his other postcards or photography have yet to be found. If any of our readers know of another postcard similarly marked, please contact Mark Rios or Old Cardboard and we will post and update our files accordingly. We appreciate your feedback.
5. News Briefs (A Digest of Recent Hobby Happenings)
2011 National in Pictures. ESPN writer Bill Simmons has posted a Photographic Tour of this year's National Sports Collectors Convention in Chicago. While Simmons seems to have little appreciation for vintage baseball cards, his sixteen web pages that display over 100 captioned images do provide a realistic and sometimes humorous flavor of what a visitor at the National might experience.
Vintage eBay Made Easy. Old Cardboard's website visitors are finding it easier than ever to search for vintage cards on eBay. We continue to expand and refine our eBay Custom Search Links to make the vintage baseball card searches even more focused. And because the results of the searches are continuously changing, the user can easily check back to find eBay's most recent vintage baseball card listings. All are organized into your favorite vintage card groups.
Lyman and Brett Hardeman
Old Cardboard, LLC.
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