Your Information Resource for Vintage Baseball Cards
  eNews Issue #95 (March 2012)

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Welcome to Old Cardboard, the most complete reference resource for information about collecting vintage baseball cards and related memorabilia.  More information about this eNewsletter and its companion website and magazine are found at the bottom of this page.

1. Updated Auction and Show Calendar
2. Successful Farming Unnumbered "Mini-Set" Discovered
3. Latest Additions to the Website
4. News Briefs (A Digest of Recent Hobby Happenings)

1. Updated Auction and Show Calendar

The following is a summary of vintage card events coming up in the next 30-45 days. For the most current listings on additional vintage card shows and auctions, see the Key Events Calendar on the Old Cardboard website.

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March 2012

14Phone/Internet Mile High Auction (see website for details).
15Phone/Internet Goodwin & Co. Auction (see website for details).
20-22Phone/Internet Hake's Americana & Collectibles Auction (includes baseball; see website).
29Phone/Internet Sterling Sports Auctions (see website for details).
3/30-4/1Chantilly, VA CSA Chantilly Show (see website for details).

April 2012

5Phone/Internet Huggins & Scott Auctions (see website for details).
5Phone/Internet Lew Lipset Auction (see website for details).
6Phone/Internet PWCC (see website for details).
12Phone/Internet Auction (see website for details).
13-15Strongsville, OH Strongsville Show 2012 (see website for details).
19Phone/Internet Mile High Auction (see website for details).
1Phone/Internet Sterling Sports Auctions (see website for details).
26-27Phone/Internet Heritage Signature Sports Collectibles Auction (see website for details).
27-28Phone/Internet Hunt Auctions (see website for details).

2. Successful Farming Unnumbered "Mini-Set" Discovered

Successful Farming
Card from "Unnumbered Series"

Joe Jackson

Through the collaboration of Robert Edward Auction's president Rob Lifson and vintage collector Todd Schultz, a remarkable 1916 six-card unnumbered "mini-set" has been recently discovered and identified. The series was used to promote the larger 200-card M101-5 series distributed the same year by Successful Farming magazine and others.

The unnumbered cards are identical in size and design to those in the well known M101-5 set--except there are no numbers printed along with the player, the player's position and team name at the bottom of the card fronts (see examples at right).

The backs of the mini series cards are identical to those found on the Successful Farming backs of the M101-5 cards (see example below).

Card Backs
(identical for both series)

The discovery and identification process began when Lifson was contacted by a consignor inquiring about four of the unnumbered cards. He had acquired them as part of a very large collection of mostly West Coast cards from the estate of the original collector. The four cards pictured Grover Alexander, Frank Baker, Joe Jackson and Heinie Zimmerman.

Because Lifson was not familiar with the unnumbered variation of the cards, he contacted M101-5 aficionado Todd Schultz. Schultz, along with fellow collector Tim Newcomb, authored a seminal article about the M101-5/4 set in Issue #16 (Summer 2008) of Old Cardboard magazine.

Although Schultz had only seen one such unnumbered card (that of Grover Alexander), he was in possession of an ad from the May 1916 issue of Successful Farming magazine that described a six-card group of "photos" offered "absolutly free to boys and young men who are interested in baseball."

The full magazine ad, which was printed on page 45 of the May issue and measures 3-1/4 by 4-1/4 inches, is illustrated below. In searching every monthly issue of the magazine from 1916, Schultz reports that the May issue is the only one that contains the ad.

As seen, the ad identifies all six of the players offered in the free set. They include Alexander, Baker, Jackson and Zimmerman along with Napoleon Lajoie, and John Evers.

Ad from May 1916 Issue of Successful Farming magazine (image courtesy Todd Schultz)

Because four of the six players in the Successful Farming ad were the same as those found with the newly discovered cards, Schultz quickly surmised that the cards were from the group of free cards identified in the ad, and that examples depicting Lajoie and Evers would complete the series of "unnumbered cards" at six.

With this information, Lifson contacted the consignor. As it turns out, the consignor did have the Evers card. Further, he believed that he had traded the Lajoie card a few years back to a fellow collector. After a couple of phone calls, the Lajoie card was found. As a result, the complete six-card unnumbered series is being offered as a single lot in REA's Spring 2012 auction, closing May 12.

A Set Profile, Player Checklist and Card Gallery for the complete six-card Successful Farming unnumbered set has been added to the Old Cardboard website.

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3. Latest Additions to the Website

We are continually expanding the Old Cardboard website with more set profiles, checklists and card galleries. Recent (past 30-40 days) additions include:

Set Profiles have been added for:
1916   Successful Farming Unnumbered Series

Set Checklists have been added for:
1916   Successful Farming Unnumbered Series

Set Galleries have been added for:
1916   Successful Farming Unnumbered Series

Updating the website with checklists and full set galleries for additional vintage sets is an ongoing project, so check back often to check out the latest additions. There are now many thousands of card images on the website and the list continues to grow. We welcome and encourage feedback with checklist additions, card images, error corrections and suggestions. Please send all input to

In addition to these additions to the Old Cardboard website, we continue to expand and refine our eBay Custom Search Links to make finding vintage baseball cards on eBay easier than ever. The results of these searches are continuously changing, so check back often to find the most recent listings.

4. News Briefs (A Digest of Recent Hobby Happenings)

Just-So Tobacco Scans Needed. Relatively little is known among vintage collectors about the origins of the 1893 Just-So Tobacco set. The cards were unknown to Jefferson Burdick and therefore not listed in the American Card Catalog and only a few examples from the set exist today. As a result of recent research by one of our readers, it appears that the company that sponsored the brand (and the cards) has now been identified. We are therefore considering an article to profile the set and display a gallery (hopefully) of all fifteen known cards in a future issue of Old Cardboard magazine. To that end, any input from our readers about the wherabouts of card images for G. W. Davies, C. M. Hastings or T. C. Williams would be much appreciated. Please send any input to We (and our readers) appreciate your assistance.

Lyman and Brett Hardeman
Old Cardboard, LLC.

Old Cardboard, LLC. was established in December 2003, to help bring information on vintage baseball card collecting to the hobbyist.  Produced by collectors for collectors, this comprehensive resource consists of three components: (1) Old Cardboard Magazine, (2) a companion website at and (3) this eNewsletter. The Old Cardboard website contains more than 500 pages of descriptive reference information for baseball card sets produced fifty years ago or longer.  Each of these set summaries has a direct set-specific link to auctions and a similar link to 's powerful search engine for further research.  The website also includes a Show and Auction Calendar, an eBay Top 50 Vintage Sellers List, and much more.  As a result, the Old Cardboard website makes a great "Alt-tab" companion for vintage card shoppers and researchers.  Old Cardboard eNews provides current hobby news, upcoming shows and auctions, and updates to the website and the magazine.  It is published around the middle of each month.  For a FREE subscription to the eNewsletter, or for subscription information on Old Cardboard Magazine, please visit the website at  If you find this information resource helpful, please tell your friends.  We need your support and your feedback. Thank you.