PC798-C3 (1913) $$$$$
Campbell Kid Series
Twelve+ cards (4 BB); about 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches
(Set Gallery)
Notes from Keetz 1983 reference:
(vertical series, multicolored)
The baseball-related cards in this set include:
"A forceful Campbell boy am I, ..."
"Curve them over how you please ..."
"Now you out-field chasers ..."
"These Soups instil such force and skill ..."
A Campbell's ad on the postcard back of these cards offers that "A series of six of these cards will be mailed to any address upon receipt of 6 cents in stamps." We now know that there are at least 12 cards in the set (including the 4 that are related to baseball). It remains unclear which six cards would be mailed as part of the promotion.
PC798-C4 (1907) $$
The Sports Girl Series
Six+ cards in set (1 baseball)
About 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches
Notes from Keetz 1983 reference:
(Comic Series No 131; black girl in various sports, embossed, multicolored)
The only baseball-related card in this set is:
The Baseball-Girl
The verse on this card reads: "When at the bat, I'm always right, to knock 'em out, yes out of sight."
Note: this card is part of a set that features black girls in a variety of sports and activities. Other cards, for example, are titled "The Football Girl," The Yachting Girl," The Chorus Girl" and more.
PC798-C5 (1907) $$$
Cracker Jack Bears Series
Sixteen cards in set (1 baseball)
About 3 x 5-1/2 inches
Notes from Keetz 1983 reference:
(E 147) (set of 16 postcards, multicolored)
The only baseball-related card in this set is:
#12 -- batter and catcher
This is the only card with a baseball theme in a set of 16 cards issued in 1907 to promote Cracker Jack snacks.
The card is labeled No. 12 and carries a 1907 copyright by B. E. Moreland.
The verse on the front of the card reads: "We're a great success upon the field, And with effect the bat can wield, But playing ball grows rather slack, When we can eat good 'Cracker Jack'."
Text printed across the back left end of the card explains the promotion of the card set in some detail (see scan below; click to enlarge):
Note: The cards in the Cracker Jack series are: 1) Lincoln Zoo 2) Dropping Cracker Jack from Hot Air Balloon, 3) Niagara Falls, 4) Statue of Liberty, 5) Coney Island, 6) New York, 7) Meeting Teddy Roosevelt, 8) Jamestown Fair, 9) Peanut Farm, 10) Husking Corn, 11) Circus, 12) Baseball, 13) Cracker Jack Factory, 14) Cracker Jack Cooks, 15) Teddy Roosevelt Hunting, and 16) Mars.
PC798-C6 (1905) $$
Dog and Diapered Boy Series
Two cards (1 BB); about 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches
Notes from Keetz 1983 reference:
(1905, Ullman, multicolored
The baseball-related card in this set is: